
J. said:
I watched Requiem and then thought "People like this shit?"

I did not particulary "like it" ... definetelly would not watch it again ... but for what it was, it was some disturbing shit and well done to get all that across.
jimbobhickville said:
Is that the one that also has Meryl Streep? I saw that way back in the day. I love how they give him 9 pies and he's like 'WTF? I can't eat 9 pies.'

'Twas a good flick, if memory serves.
yep. i loves her.
added, cheers. :)


hahahaha that was some funny shit. "hi i'm randy quaid and at least once per movie, i will disturb you with my nearly naked body."
damn dude ... got that recommendation for KINGPIN ... it's like 3 discs and like 20 hours long ... WTF?

saw RING TWO ... man, the cheese was laid on extra thick on this one ... was directed by the Japanese director that gave us the original Jap RINGU ... personally that movie sucked and so did the Jap DARK WATER ... which he also did.

the guy, is not very good IMHO ... drags scenes too long

there were some scary bits in RING TWO ... but overall the pacing sucked.
yeah, it was a miniseries from nbc, but i think bravo showed it. it's only 6 hours long you mong, just watch them shitz! :lol:
One Inch Man said:
added, cheers. :)


hahahaha that was some funny shit. "hi i'm randy quaid and at least once per movie, i will disturb you with my nearly naked body."
hahaha! is this the movie with quaid and woody harrelson? i thought it was pretty damn funny back in the day. when did that come out btw? it has to be ten years ago. remember that chick in it? she was like the next big thing and then simply vanished.
yeah, that chick was hot as fook.


great visuals and sound, but overall quite lame because the characters and story were so stupid at times i wanted to punch myself in the back of the head.

great visuals and sound, but overall quite lame because the characters and story were so stupid at times i wanted to punch myself in the back of the head.

my thoughts exactly ...
that scene when the dog killed the blind dude, when that happened i yelled WHAT THE FUCK!!! "okay camera 1, camera 2. back to camera 1. camera 1, camera 1, camera 2, camera 1, camera 1, camera 1, camera 1, camera 1, camera 2 DOG BITE NECK!!!" the visuals and music were worth watching it for though.

shrek 2

not as good as the first one, but still pretty kickass. "look at our little mutant babies!" lolz
cold mountain

pretty cool despite some questionable accents and predictable depressing moments. said it before and i'll keep saying it: fuck war.
lurch70 said:
woohoo .... OLDBOY !!!

Tis a great movie :grin: I was at the UK premier a year ago; the director turned up and gave a talk, it was fantastic, great stuff :grin: Now being remade in the US you know :err:

In the last four days I have seen:
Night Of The Living Dead
Dawn Of The Dead
Day Of The Dead
Land Of The Dead (back to back with both Greg Nicotero and George A Romero in attendance, fantastic stuff!)
A Bittersweet Life (Korean movie, like Oldboy in some ways, worth seeing for fans of extreme Asian cinema)
Evil Aliens (don't see it)
Ban The Sadist Videos (very entertaining video nasty documentary)
Dead Meat (Irish zombie movie, don't see it)
The Neighbour At Number 13 (Japanese movie from a Manga, a bit shit)
Wild Country (Scottish werewolf movie, very watchable, but not amazing)
The Roost (low budget Bat/zombie movie, quite decent, but not worth the hype it had)
2001 Maniacs (remake of the 60's movie, with Robert Englund, tasteless but etnertaining)
The Collingswood Story (low budget but effective horror movie, Blair witchey at times, but good :p )
Marebito (movie from the guy behind the grudge, low budget , made in eight days, boring as shit for the most part)
Red Eye (latest Craven film, probably outin the US already, really enjoyed it)
Night Watch (Russian movie just bought up by Fox. Not worth the hype)
Dominion - Prequel to the exorcist original version (very shit, probably on a par with the first onedefinitely more mature)
Born To Fight (fantastic action movie from Thailand, amazing stunts all done without wires or seemingly any concern about safety whatsoever. Cheesy, shitty plot but just so much fun!)
Day Of The Dead - Contagium (festering pile of shit, got a bit better when they started taking it less seriously)
P (Thai film, good start shitty end, visually stunning)
Antibodies (German, Silence Of The Lambs style psychological thriller, good. Also being remade in the US)
Wolf Creek (Aussie "true crime" horror movie, tense)

The directors of Wolf Creek, The Roost, P, Anitbodies, Dead Meat and Evil Aliens were also there. Good fun! Plus Hideo Nakata did an interview over satellite phone which was cool :) Good weekend :p

The week before I saw Unleashed, Mindhunter and A Tale Of Two Sisters.
it rules because when you said "i have some catching up to do" i knew that meant you'd watch like 308257928375928375iuojkflsd8924oiukl890io movies in 2 days. :loco: