Russell said:Land Of The Dead (back to back with both Greg Nicotero and George A Romero in attendance, fantastic stuff!)
Mick Moss said:I'm still waiting for the UK release date, I originally thought it would be June like the U.S. and I burst a chop when I found out that it was Sept 9th instead.
Since then Ive had loads of time to read awful comments about it on the net, so Im a bit scared now, cause Romeros dead films (and zombie films in general) are like one of my main things. Then again, everyone seems to say Day is below-par and I think it's fucking ace
Russell said:Also Lost In Translation. Didn't see what the fuss was about.
bwahahahaha! classic. my brother used to jewify stingy people by adding "stein" to their name. it never stopped being funny.One Inch Man said:weinsteinbergerstein
JayKeeley said:Million Dollar Baby
OK so I'm probably the last person on the planet to have seen it, but my word, it truly is a remarkable film.
Thanatopsis123 said:I haven't seen it. My desire to watch it kinda dropped off when the ending was spoiled for me. Should I still see it knowing how it ends?