
Care for a bit of necrophilia?

I think the studio wanted it to orignally be the Love Conquers All version; they also wanted a rock soundtrack to get teens to want to see it. Dumbasses.

My favorite part of the movie is when Lowry stumbles into the funeral and knocks the coffin over and that woman is just a bunch of goo. And when De Niro gets swallowed up by a bunch of paper.
i saw a few episodes of the original animated Aeon Flux a few nights ago and it totally kicked my ass...ordered the dvd collection yesterday :kickass:

but sadly, the movie looks like every other piece of mindless drivel that erupts from the gangrenous pustule of hollywood these days, aka a live-action video game
empire falls. DVD release of HBO miniseries. decent movie but even better book. great book actually. rent it if you like small-town maine stories. the girl in it is nice to look at too. even if she is 16. or maybe BECAUSE she's 16. man, i have problems.
I saw Omen I & II yesterday. I loved the first, but the second not so much. Crappiest ending I've seen in a long time. So incredibly undramatic, except when a certain someone says "I've belonged to him from the beginning", or something like that.
the original Aeon Flux fucking rules. back when MTV used to actually kick ass. i'll rent that set when Netshitz doesn't have it on Terminally Long Wait list.

that funeral scene was so gross* in Brazil, ugh. except i really wanted to do his mom with that red hair.

Watched Spaceballs for the 4 millionth time today, but this time with commentary by Mel Brooks! guy remembers the name of EVERY person involved in the entire production!
Sin City

I've refrained from seeing this one on the small screen for a long time now... worried that it wouldn't hold up to the experience in the theater; that of being perhaps the greatest piece of cinema of all time,

but I finally broke.. and man..

words cannot describe.
yes, it works on the small screen great too.
it was shot in HD, so the images and details are still great
recent gameznflix rentals:

Elf: 0.5/10 absolutely terrible. one funny moment (and i dont even remember what it was) keeps it from being a big fat zero

Super Size Me: 8/10; pretty damn funny and interesting, especially from my persepective as an RN; it was probably more amusing to me than to other people. morgan spurlock is a smart-ass. i like it.

Halloween 3 (hahaha): 2/10; man, this movie sucks. the one good part is when they show a trick or treating "clip" of "dayton, ohio". apparently dayton symbolized the entire midwest in john carpenters mind.

for anyone who cares, you can rent 6 at a time from gameznflix for $20.75 a month. thats about the same as netflix's 3 at a time and you actually receive what you ordered. as opposed to netflix who have a class action lawsuit against them right now for false advertising. just letting you know.
hmm, will check out gamezandshitz

oh and Halloween III RULES. probably my favorite crappy movie. hahaha that one scene where that lady tampers with the Silver Shamrock thing thing and gets her shit ruined?!? ZAP!
I checked out gameznshitz with great expections

but their selection was shit, seriously

if I was into games too it would more than make up for it.. but I'm not.
haha, yeah gameznshitz rules so far. i like how they use real stamps on their return envelopes.

another good part in H3 is when the doctor and the chick are in that hotel room and he says, "hey, uhhh, maybe i should get another room. itd be better than sleeping on the floor" and she says something like, "where do you *want* to sleep, doctor?" and they proceed to make out. haha, they met like two days earlier. later on there is a really really lame sex scene. just when you think youre about to see some boob - SCENE CHANGE!
whoa, they only have 1871 movies? yeah that's like, no.

edit: hahaha yeah, yet another winner scene. oh MAN i love that movie.
oh yeah I saw Candyman last night

the first one.. hadn't seen it in a long long time.. unfortunately been subjected to the sequels most frequently over the last few years

but this is a horror classic, no doubt about it.
gameznshitz selection is nowhere near that of netflix but like i said, you actually get your discs. i always had trouble with netflix. id order a series like sopranos or deadwood and get like discs 3 and 4 prior to sending me 1 and 2. reallly annoying. and yeah, you get to rent gamez which, if you like gamez, can save you hundreds of dollars a year because those fuckerz are like $50 each.
yeah if played games i'd be all over that. but i don't, so like, nah.

i've never had a problem with getting discs. when i rent boxset thingies though, i space out the discs so i don't them in whacky order. but that's mostly because i don't want to watch 10 hours of the same thing in a 2 day period.