
Originally posted by LadyCal
The Tiger Tiger? ;) Just send an Email to her as it's said in the text - she would give for free to you,I'm sure - how to take money from a lovely guy like you... ;)

hyena just sent me the tiger tiger in the mail as a personal gift. :hotjump: :hotjump:

now i'm a happy dwarf and and and and nobody of you's got a better friend than i do :p :p :p :p :p

rahvin. (soul on a chupi-trip)
I just watched a movie on tv, i think the english title is "Message in a bottle", it's with Kevin Costner and Robin Write Pen (hope i got her name right.. :p). It was nice... Hmmm maybe too melo' at some points, but i liked some of the feelings it porduced. I also found the ending a bit weak...
Watching movies can be useful sometimes, for instance, I learnt the most effective italian courting phrase by watching La Vida es Bella, now I just need to get myself a cute italian teacher...

Where are you hyena? :muahaha:
The movies I love are too numerous to post here... so I'll give you a sample.
My #1 is Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Ring (possibly to be replaced by the other two ;) so I'll leave #2 and #3 open for those)

Other than that...
All Cohen Brothers films... my favorite being Oh Brother Where Art Thou
The Guy Ritchie (sp?) films... Snatch was amazingly funny.
FIGHT CLUB.... nuff said
Pulp Fiction....nuff said
Most everything with Bruce Campbell, Vin Deisel, Benicio Del Toro, Giovanni Rabisi, Russell Crowe and a few other hotties....
Most "good" sci fi/fantasy stuff I enjoy as well as horror and suspense stuff...
I basically love movies and enjoy anything that is witty and unusual.
My favourite movie is Princess Mononoke
I think after that comes Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

I also like other movies of course but those are my absoulute favourites.

The last movie I saw was Spiderman and I quite enjoyed it...
I was expecting much less from this movie...
here i am thanatos. whatever silly sentence did you want to direct my way? ;)

Originally posted by hyena
here i am thanatos. whatever silly sentence did you want to direct my way? ;)


"Buon Giorno, Principessa"

Now for the trick to have the desired effect, I should stalk you 24/7 and pop-up at the most unexpected places with the little phrase :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Thanatos

Now for the trick to have the desired effect, I should stalk you 24/7 and pop-up at the most unexpected places with the little phrase :rolleyes:

if you help her tidy her room i might consider promoting you to dt board holy knight of bu. :tickled:

well, my room has been tidied thoroughly now so thanatos' chance is blown. too bad :lol:

as for the "buon giorno, principessa" + stalking combo, no thanks: i've been through that once, with the variant "principessina", with a guy who used to sing in wolfy's band. the thing didn't have the desired effect for either of us so drop your intentions before it's too late.

come to think of it, you might still help me with putting stuff _back_ into my room again, but please no royal titles. :lol:

hyena (irvine welsh's new book coming up in october! bubu!)
Originally posted by Tristessa
@Silver Sable: You have good taste really. Have you seen the last Coen's movie? It's quite amazing. Billy Bob is such a great actor.
(The man who never was is the title)

Hey thanks. I did see the last one... the American title was The Man Who Wasn't There. Billy Bob was great in it as well as Frances McDormond and James Gandolfini. It had it's funny moments, but it was kinda sad too. But I loved it.
I'd like to know if there are some comments to Red Dragon.. they told (on TV) that this is the most terrifying (is it correct, rahvin? :spin: ) movie by the Lecter trilogy.. I think that is a good thriller, but Silence of the Lambs is better..
I liek a lot dragon's tattoo :spin: :hotjump:
Welcome back, Witch, glad to see you again. You were italian, if my mind is right. Feel at home (mainly because this board is full of italians, some of them deeply loved by certain robot...).

Concerning The Red Dragon, I agree with you, The Silence Of The Lambs was better, although the production, photography, etc. was worse. I love the Edward Norton actor capabilities, but he appears bleak and far from the character's image that the novel offers. :(

Is not a bad thriller, but there are some significant points the movie introduces in too general lines, leaving part of the plot to the public imagination. :mad:

Anthony Hopkins and his straight sight maintains symmetry with the previous movies. :rolleyes:

|ng (The Red Robot)