
So does everyone...apparently a study showed (who the hell does studies like these...probably the kinda guys like me who read em :lol:) that the second book is the most popular, the third second, and the first came big surprise, that one bored the hell out of me
IMHO, Silmarillion is way above all the other works of mr. Tolkien.

Yet, damn sure I'm waiting for the Two Towers - I have already watched through all the extras on my 4 DVD special edition of the Fellowship of the Ring

I've also been watching the extended version of FOTR and its extras like crazy.
A couple of friends of mine decided to live outside the cinema selling The Two Towers premiere tickets for six days (:eek: ) and were gracious enough to sell me one afterwards, so I'll just have to wait 15 days, one hour and 15 minutes to see it. :spin:
Silmarillion was always his main work - he started writing it in the trenches of the first world war and continued it 'til his death. It was the Lord of the Rings that was based upon this history of Middle-Earth, planned and constructed far more thoroughly than any of his various other works. His son Christopher did excellent work piecing it all together from various notes, essays and other writings. However, Tolkien himself had done huge amounts of work during those decades and what ended up on Silmarillion is just a small reflection of what it could have been, had he finished it in time. Nevertheless, Silmarillion is to me the most important book I have ever read - and most probably will always be.

I saw in a documentary about Tolkien, that Silmarillion he rewrote many many times, many different versions, changing things as myths are changed throughout history, or anyway smt like that.....

Sirne (unsure of what she heard..)
Hrm... if Villain hadn't stolen what I was going to say, maybe this would be a meaningful post.... :p

Anyway, can't wait for the Two Towers. That and ROTK, both seem like one big battle seen occasionally interrupted by Sam & Frodo ... fun with battles :rock:

~Kovenant (ENTS!)
Definately Two Towers for me as well, Im also looking very forward to seing The Matrix 2&3 thats coming up;)
@witch: grammar-wise impeccable, dear lady. ;) although i like edward norton a lot, i haven't seen red dragon yet. i suspect i'm surreptitiously waiting for it to appear on some download sites, but i'm not sure about that because, you know, i'm surreptitiously waiting. :loco:

i don't really care about the two towers. the first movie was boring enough in my opinion. i'm gonna see thenew harry potter instead, and i hope it fills me with childish joy. :hotjump:

on a side note, yesterday i've seen one hour photo. it's a very good movie imo, and by far the saddest thing i've seen in years. :cry:

Originally posted by Villain
IMHO, Silmarillion is way above all the other works of mr. Tolkien.
as usual, the doctor is right. :cool:

and yes, i'm looking forward to the two towers movie, since i enjoyed the first one a lot, but i'm also terribly scared by the whole Shelob part. :cry:

regarding red dragon, i think is a good movie, but in a certain way pointless, since there was already one film about that book. it was just a chance to have another movie with Hannibal done by Anthony Hopkins. :rolleyes:

Miolo (arachnophobic)
as the number one lecter fan on this board (also an ex writer of lecter fan fiction), i hereby decree that red dragon is scary, but hannibal himself is too much of a pop icon to be taken seriously.

Heres's another one, from TIME:

"Peter Jackson filled out Liv Tyler's role for the movies (it's much less prominent in Tolkien's version), but the Fellowship is still as much a boys' club as Augusta National. And whiter too. Don't let all the heartwarming Elf-Dwarf bonding between Legolas and Gimli fool you. The only people with dark skin in Middle- earth are the Orcs."

For those who want to see stupid movie:
watch Turbulence 3 : Heavy Metal Thunder
It sucks the ass of ugly pig.