
@Dark_Jester: Yes, 'un gatto' is 'A cat' and the complete title could be translated into. "A Cat In The Brain"... :confused:

@Rahvin: I've seen "Un Gatto Nel Cevello" but I probably removed that scene! Unforatunatelly that movie is one of Fulci's one made just to gain some money... With lots of splatter-scenes cutted from other films (like "Quando Alice Ruppe Lo Specchio" ecc... )
The best scene ever made is, in my opinion, the stabbed-eye-through-the-keyhole in Dario Argento's Opera... Incredible!
Originally posted by lethedon

i admit i'm demandred: i laughed so hard at this one i'm currently punishing myself for being so cruel. :lol:
sorry, lethedon, it was just the funniest typo(s) today. :)

as for creepy scenes, the really scary ones are almost all in italian movies because they're not as polished - and therefore made-up - as the ones hollywood makes. do you have all these movies on tape? sometimes we could set up a horror-movie meeting, so i could show you i'm a forsaken (wheel of time tm) ;)

talking about italian horror movies, i agree with rahvin about "profondo rosso" (english title: "deep red - the hatchet murders") being not only dario argento's masterpiece but also the only italian horror movie of value. as for the other movies you've mentioned, i think they're absolutely poor and not worthy of consideration. i'd like more to see some diego abatantuono's early movies, like "attila, flagello di dio" or "grand hotel excelsior" :lol:

Originally posted by rahvin
i could show you i'm a forsaken
really? yeah, well... everything's possible, honey :flame: :p
Originally posted by Rei Toei
really? yeah, well... everything's possible, honey :flame: :p

uh... yeah... sure, whatever. :confused: i see even before reading the books you're getting accustomed to interpreting the bossy, unreadable female role in the wheel of time saga. good thing, it saves time. ;)

now seriously, why can't we all italians on this forum meet somewhere?

Originally posted by Rei Toei
i'd like more to see some diego abatantuono's early movies, like "attila, flagello di dio" or "grand hotel excelsior" :lol:
i'd like that too. :lol:

Originally posted by rahvin
now seriously, why can't we all italians on this forum meet somewhere?
don't know... because we are too lazy to do it? :p

Originally posted by Miolo
don't know... because we are too lazy to do it? :p

but no! wake up! act! do something! take your life back in your own hands! :spin:

or just every italian around pm me with your location and means of travel so that i can track you down and kill you all. :p

warning: offer void for hyenas.

Better be ;)
Wouldn't you prefer dropping by England for a drinking session with everyone's favourite Ishamael wannabe, Demandred? Could be cool, and not as much running from crazed mobs and police officers, 'those poor blind fools who don't know any better'. ;)
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Wouldn't you prefer dropping by England for a drinking session with everyone's favourite Ishamael wannabe, Demandred?

oh, i would. but i figure it'd be hard to drag unwilling strangers to your very doorstep when they seem to feel uncomfortable leaving their hometown for more than ten seconds. :)

@rahvin: so you don't want to track me down and kill me anymore, eh? ;)

i think the second weekend of january does the trick for me, or maybe the third. i'll be forced to come in sat night and leave sun afternoon tho AWWWW

unless, that is, we all go to england... which, by the way, i sponsor :grin:

@hyena: i noticed you're pretty busy with fending off attackers even without my help ;)

i'd go with any week-end myself, but the italian community, with the astounding exception of miolo, seems to ignore the issue. :)

mostly for any of the swedish posters here:

this isn´t exactly a movie, but
in case you missed it...

on TV4 thursday 20:45 the "Band Of Brothers" mini-series will begin. It is quite similar in "feel" to "Saving Private Ryan".
which is good if you liked that. the first episode is a bit slow.
But you should at least see the first 3 or 4 episodes.