
I aint a fin but I have seen it. It has been on a nation wide release here and has done quite good business. Perhaps they couldnt afford to distribute it in a blanket release so its gonna get platformed to you. Baisically you'll get the prints of the movie after your neighbours do.

Its an alright film. Its enjoyable. I really liked the end, it was very Stephen Kingesque. The director did a good job recreating the world presented in the steven king original. Id say go see it but dont get your hopes up. Its not spectacular, but its worth a watch.
lumitalvi said:
@rahvin: OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! We are officially at war now. :mad:
:cry: but the guy has a 1000 words vocabulary and writes about elderly people having sex, ffs. he's had a couple of good ideas when he was young but most of his stories are about writers writing. it's a bit as if i posted a thread a day about moderators moderating. which is what i did yesterday.
why do all my theories backfire today?
what soulburner said. the plot is quite predictable and gives a constant sense of deja-vu. however, depp (insert love smilie here) and turturro do a great job.

btw, is troy so bad? i wanted to see it, but i read everywhere that's just a load of junk. :erk:
@miolo: save your money!! unless you are insomniac these days and really need to sleep, it's not even worth renting the dvd (when it'll come out)... If you really want to know the story, just read the book!! Even the cute guys (or girls for you) dont make the whole thing any better!!
@fart: well i can't really afford to be picky, but i'm usually quite unfazed by actresses. i'm not easily fascinated by a perfect body, as it tends to come with a non-existent facial expression. i'd much rather see someone whose eyes look sparkly and intelligent than a girl with a perfectly proportionate body. 2-3 starlets are actually very cute, but the rest is just meh.
@rahvin: well that's the purpose of a movie, to make you dream a little.. I agree it's pathetic to have a crush on actors or actresses, and I do agree personality is essential, but you have to admit they have nice shells... Never ever been physically attracted (and I insist on the physically, dont go put any spiritual meaning) by a woman you saw on tv?

ANYWAY, anyone who hasnt seen Troy yet, but still wanna go (to check if gals are cute).. do not expect anything great, and bring a pillow - you may need it really fast
Hell, yes. My neck ached and I nearly fell asleep at some parts. The movie’s saving grace would be Mr. Eric Bana (ok, and O’Toole, but you wouldn’t expect anything less from him) who can defend my honour any time :grin:
fartmeags said:
Never ever been physically attracted (and I insist on the physically, dont go put any spiritual meaning) by a woman you saw on tv?
like i said, i could name about five famous women that do make me go "wow, that's not only a nice shell, but an interesting look on her face as well". still, that's about it. it's physical, and it's attraction, so in a way i can say i have. but it's nothing that i would actually consider a crush: i find i have met in real life much better-looking girls than i've ever seen on tv, as a lot of physical beauty in my opinion also stems from the way that i have seen them behave naturally (body language and all).
I'm totally with Rahvin here. Women on TV are just not real enough. You can say "she's cute" or "she seems nice" but in fact you're looking at a lot of make-up and an acted role. I've never understood infatuations with TV stars because it is far too unreal for me. It's true, there are so many more beautiful and interesting women out there in the real world.
Hoi! you guys dont try to be smart with me! and dont make me say what i didnt say!

I'm not talking about them as being real or no, that wasnt my point! I never had a crush on an actor or something (maybe when i was 12), I was talking here about an image not a person! I wasnt asking you to put any feelings or emotion on the image, but just judge the image... Brad pitt is cute, he could be an asshole for all i care, i wont meet him, so i dont give a damn, but i can say he's cute (to me)! I think there's a confusion here between on one side cute, pretty and on another hand intersesting and beautiful... At first we were talking about the actors in Troy, as it may be the only "nice" thing you would see in the movie.. I know I am a girl and therefore I am stupid, but I'm not that stupid to say that Hector, Achille or even Helene are interesting (they are fake), i was just saying in the first place, they are cute :p
fartmeags said:
Hoi! you guys dont try to be smart with me! and dont make me say what i didnt say!
this was our plan from the start. :cool:

I think there's a confusion here between on one side cute, pretty and on another hand intersesting and beautiful...
the only point i was debating is that i tend not to even find fake or distant girls cute. it's a bit as if i would need at least a moderate degree of proximity to actually appreciate even just somebody's looks. potentially empty shells do not transmit any feeling of prettiness to me.

I know I am a girl and therefore I am stupid,
we didn't know you were a girl, but i tend to assume girls are smarter than guys on average.
rahvin said:
the only point i was debating is that i tend not to even find fake or distant girls cute. it's a bit as if i would need at least a moderate degree of proximity to actually appreciate even just somebody's looks. potentially empty shells do not transmit any feeling of prettiness to me.

Well to me, you can find a flower nice even if it has no smell or stinks as farts

rahvin said:
we didn't know you were a girl, but i tend to assume girls are smarter than guys on average.
Well now you know, and I guess you'll see quite fast that I am not as smart as most of the guys you know. At least, I do not consider myself smart, any of my teachers or professors since primary school would tell you how low my marks are