
fartmeags said:
Well to me, you can find a flower nice even if it has no smell or stinks as farts
is this a reference to your nickname by any chance? ;)

Well now you know, and I guess you'll see quite fast that I am not as smart as most of the guys you know. At least, I do not consider myself smart, any of my teachers or professors since primary school would tell you how low my marks are
marks do not equal intelligence. you shouldn't bring yourself down like this, there's plenty of people out there more than willing to do it for you. no need to help them out.

as for me not knowing you're a girl, well, i've seen many users with many weird names before and having no idea where you're from i wasn't sure i should infer anything from your name. if i told you my name is michele you'd probably mistake me for a french gal, while in fact i'm as manly as they come. :p
Just for the record: I was solely reacting to Rahvin's earlier post. I didn't even read Fartmeag's post or any other before that. I just shared my 2 cents about what Rahvin wrote, since I basically share his view of the matter.
Miolo said:
btw, is troy so bad? i wanted to see it, but i read everywhere that's just a load of junk. :erk:
I suddenly thought about something else to say about the movie! One other thing that really disappointed me was the story itself as it is quite different from the original one (homere), and so when you are expecting to see a certain vision and chronology in the story you get a bit lost (for example achille being killed in the end, once Troy is already destroyed, or Ulysse being ready to go to war, when as far as i remember he was trying to do everything not to go). Many little things like that which make to movie rather disappointing in comparison with the book itself. As often, Hollywood adaptation kind of killed the "spirit" of the story...
there's so many discrepancies from the original text that it would take me ages just to list the most blatant ones. i think the slave briseis killing agamemnon is what tore it for me: one thing is changing a few details, quite another is taking the classics and violently raping the plotline. menelaus didn't die either, and eventually him and helen reconciled and got back together. but of course that wouldn't have been bollywood enough for the uneducated idiotic morons who conceived the script.
somewhere I heard an interview and the message was: he did changes on purpose because the original greek story was a story, a legend itself and thus he is not bound to stick to "facts".
rahvin said:
there's so many discrepancies from the original text that it would take me ages just to list the most blatant ones.

Yup I totally agree with you... and there are soooo many more (and from the begining, as they are not even talking about the pact between all the greek kings to protect the union of melenas and helene, the ONLY reason why the war happened actually).
I have also noticed that they mentioned Enee at the end. So if we dont have an Odysee in the next few years, we may have a new version of the Eneide. I wonder who will play Remus and Romulus! If anyone has a suggestion :grin: :grin:
it was clear that many of the LOTR characters would be met again on the screen in near future; and I am aware that "Faramir" was not such a big role, but that the actor would land in VAN HELSING (!) as an even less important figure..... well he just did not deserve that :(
"Faramir" was more important for the LOTR story than some Elf
Below is pretty much what I thought of Troy, saw it last friday, was too bored
to post tho, as I usually am when it's a crappy movie:


This btw reminds me, any fan of Hellboy comic should see the movie, it's
pretty much the best you can do with the material.

Unlike The (new) Punisher, which was pretty dull, even tho quite accurate,
for once and of course not having Dolph is always a huge bonus in my book.

Next movie to be seen is the new Dawn Of The Dead, I'm sure it won't be
anywhere as good as the original, but the original did miss quite a few points
with the mall plot, so maybe some of that has been fixed in this one.

The next movie to get: The Day After Tomorrow, concidering the director it
will be crap, but hey, who am I to say no to the destruction of america...
ok, along with most of the other parts of the world too I suppose.

But of course the movie I am most waiting for is this one :D
Its wierd how you guys didnt totally dig Troy. I really enjoyed it. I became submerged in the fact that every character had his/her own moral issues to face. I can see where people would say there are loads of slip ups, but I just totally thought Akeles was da man!!! Brad Pitt kicked ultimate anus in the role!

Its like Last samurai... although nothing about it is strictly correct, its still a very entertaining film with a good stroy of its own to tell.

@ Salmy: :lol: admittedly that comic is pretty funny.
Salamurhaaja said:
But of course the movie I am most waiting for is this one :D

Plot Outline: In the year 2032, Bateau (Ôtsuk), a cyborg detective for the anti-terrorist unit Public Security Section 9, investigates the case of a female robot - one created solely for sexual pleasure - who slaughtered her owner.


I guess that for few years (maybe 6-7), the movies become too commercial, with adverts, posters, interviews, merchandising. Such a media "brainwashing" presenting you each movie as the BESTEST ever, that when you actually go see it, you end up disappointed!!

All the movies i really liked recently were "foreign" movies, no big productions, playing more on the emotion and acting rather than FX
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, Van Helsing is the biggest pile of crap I have
seen in ages, I'm not even gonna link to it, cos I am lazy and cos the movie
doesn't deserve to be seen by anyone.
Crap, crap, crap.
I haven't actually even read that page, I just found the link to it quick like.
It's also called Ghost In The Shell 2, so we all know it will be great :)
Salamurhaaja: I appreciate your insight
I made the mistake of actually going to see Van Helsing and even PAID for it.
This is the most hopeless shit I've seen for a long time
@rahve: bollywood refers to films made in india, with indian actors. i honestly hope there was no such thing in troy. :p
hyena said:
@rahve: bollywood refers to films made in india, with indian actors. i honestly hope there was no such thing in troy. :p
but it certainly looked like it, considering the average amount of cheese per minute, which is in all likelihood what happens when overenthusiastic inexperienced people tackle a marginally serious subject.