
Who has seen "Good-bye, Lenin" ? Not bad.
I think the main hero could be compared with Tranquillian a bit (may be smile...). ;)
Two nights ago i saw the Takeshi Miike film "Visitor Q" :guh: :guh: :guh:. That was one of the most messed up things Ive ever seen! I advise people see it just to be able to understand why Im using the guh face... infact Ive been driven to this... :Puke:

Its got everything in! Its the most peverse film Ive seen in ages, yet I found myself highly amuzed come the end of the movie. It's the same with most Miike films, you take them really seriously until near the end and then you suddenly realise its all to be taken with a pinch of salt. It just gets hilarious come the conclusion. Alot like Dead Or Alive and "happiness of the kakihuras" does.

Its not his best film by any means, but it is grrrrreat if you like your movies artsy fartsy and you have a strong stomach for incest and necrophilia.
Bloom is childish, ugly, stupid, damn, nice for little girls, but dont put him to much in the spotlights, please. (Believe me, when I read Tolkien, Legolas was.. like, WAY hotter than that :p)(hihihi)(Same for Sirius Black btw :| in my mind he was teh metalgod, wooooh : lol: )

Oh Hedon video, get thee online!
:lol: I saw the movie "Anarchist cookbook" a few days ago. It was really funny when the older of the anarchists was refering to Sweden all the time as if it would be some kind of paradise on earth. "In Sweden, there's yadayadayada...
But.. that's how I refer to Sweden.. :/

I saw 'The Day After Tomorrow' today myself..
It was pretty entertaining and had superb imagery and effects.
..the course of events was utter bullshit (or at least the time scale), but who am I to disagree with Hollywood minds :P

The one part that was just a tad ridiculous/funny:
"We're just north of Philly, let's walk all the way to New york in the cataclysmic snowstorm like a couple of jackasses :D"
(and they actually did.. and got there...)
King Chaos said:
I think it would satisfy a tr00 film fan

Um no, just no.

I finished watching it a few hours ago and it was just as bad as I
had suspected, actually a bit worse, at least in ID4 the guy had
a sorta believable (if you think of aliens as believable) reason for all
the shit happening. This movie had pretty much no basis in anything
but the stupidity of the viewer.

Of course I was quite happy that USA got most of the crap, it's kinda
like the hand of god trying to tell them something ;)

Biggest problem with any Hollywood movie is that they think the
viewers are totally brainless couch-potatoes... well, in America they
would be...
I thought The Day After Tomorrow was pretty decent. I know, I know, it had no basis for anything, the events that happened in that time frame were impossible, etc, but I thought it was still somewhat entertaining. It just can't be taken too seriously. I definately don't think it would satisfy a "tr00 film fan" though.
One of the ways they advertsied the film was to show it to a bunch of Scientists and meteorologist. Then they asked them how realistic was the science and it was all good apparently. this is only what Im told from a reliable source. It would all trigger that quickly apparently, but there'd have to be more obvious notice, like some natural clues that the disaster was going to occur.

I like to consider myself a true film fan and I was entertained by it. I understand that it's mindless but so is a cannibal corpse gig... and Cannibal corpse gigs rule!
I dont have to have my mind tied in knots to enjoy a film. I just love the craft in general. Sorry salamurhaaja but the fact that it's brainless doesn't instantly put me off a film, it just means I wont give it more than 6/10.
I watched The Core on dvd a few days ago... It sucked a lot, it was the silliest movie i've seen in a while.. Only one actor (the one doing Zimsky) came close to playing decently.. I think i'll stay away from destruction movies in a while..

I also wathced Chicken Run. This one totally rules. :p

Oh, and i loved Equilibrium.
Branwen said:
me! me! me! have you heard of generalizations?
Im sorry... Yes Ive heard of generalisations. I'm unaware one was made at any point in either mine or your posts though.

Apparently Takeshi Miike has another new film out... it looks intense. Apparently its one of his wierdest movies yet :loco:. I cant wait to see it.
Its called "Gozu", Y'all should keep your eyes pealed for it.
Malaclypse said:
say, is your second name "krigsbarn" by any chance? you remind me of her...
Nooo, but that's an interesting phenomenon. I AAAAALWAYS remind people of some pain-in-the-ass monsters. I wonder why? :rolleyes: Tell me -where can I find krigsbarn? I'd like to read what she says and see how you see me... :err: