King Chaos
Pomeo Osoponeor
I saw "Hannibal" the other day.
I actually quite enjoyed it. It was wierd how the violence excited me. The whole time I really wanted Dr. Lecture to escape, murder, eat brains... and he did Whey! the ending was so good. It was a truely sick display that just made me happy where I think it was supposed to disturb me
. There's nothing that disturbing about it. that stoopid Cop deserved to have his own brain fed to him and the horrid ugly paedophile being eaten by pigs was sweet justice.
It was no where near as good as silence of the lambs though... but I didn't expect it to be
I actually quite enjoyed it. It was wierd how the violence excited me. The whole time I really wanted Dr. Lecture to escape, murder, eat brains... and he did Whey! the ending was so good. It was a truely sick display that just made me happy where I think it was supposed to disturb me
It was no where near as good as silence of the lambs though... but I didn't expect it to be