
opacity said:
i saw "Der Wixxer" on monday :tickled:

and i need to see it again

i'm also looking forward to "(T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1" :lol:
Oh my...;) Isn't it "Der Wixxxer" with three x? :grin: I quite enjoy "Kalkofes Mattscheibe". He's really funny. So the movie might be funny as well. But generally, I'm not much into these German humour films.

What I've recently seen: "The Punisher". Surprisingly good and self-ironic. Marvel does have the better movie adaptations. Unfortunately (being a DC fan).

Movies I'm going to watch: "Shrek 2", "Spider-Man 2" and, of course, "Fahrenheit 9/11".
Child of Time said:
wtf? What is this? And do you know what it means?
I stumbled over the title some time ago just because ulver happened to do the soundtrack, and obviously wondered what it was as well.

found this on the home page of nationaldemokraterna :yuk: (random google search hit) but I guess the article fills it purpose anyway...

"NORGE Hysterin kring s k "rasism" är total i hela västerlandet. En norsk film som innehåller ordet "neger" i sin filmtitel har nu fått självaste Förenta Nationerna (FN) att ingripa och kritisera filmbolaget för rasism.
Det är den norska filmen "Svidd neger" (som betyder "Svedd neger") som har ifrågasatts på grund av sitt ordval. Filmen har ingenting med rasism att göra, utan handlar om adoptivbarnet Ante som växer upp i tron om att han är fjällsame, men som när han börjar bli äldre inser att han är av ett annat folkslag och börjar fundera över sin etniska identitet.
Trots filmens innehåll så reagerar dock FN på ordvalet i filmtiteln och ifrågasätter nu att filmen fått filmstöd från Norsk filmfond. Statssekreteraren Yngve Slettholm på kultur- departementet framför dock att man redan utrett uttrycken "neger" och "svedd neger" och kommit fram till att de inte berörs av de norska rasismlagarna."

and then there´s an official home page ( ) which really only made it seem more weird...
I just saw the movie 'The Sin Eater' on DVD.

Don't know how long it's been out, so please don't berrate me if it's old news.

For those who don't know, the general gist is about certain people who take on the 'ability' to give absolution outside the church by literally 'eating' the sins of another. An interesting fictional thriller that I feel I will want to see again when I am more sober.
Child of Time said:
Del: Did you read "mainfestet" at the movie's homepage? That's insane, especially what it says about STDs and authentic violence.
I sure did. :) (I don´t get what "std" is, though, at least not right now...)

can´t help the feeling that it´s one of them movies trying to get attention by being "extreme" and "provocative" just for the sake of it...
rahvin said:
it usually stands for "sexually transmitted disease"
what the...? of course it does. *shakes head*
I blame the alcohol.

oh well, I thought it was "transmittable" anyway, so I´ve learned something after all... :Spin:

Child of Time said:
Oh, how funny, did you get that feeling too? :lol:
naaaaaah. :rolleyes:

the stupid thing is that it works to some extent, though. now I want too see it, if not for anything else just to be able to say that it only was meaningless attention whoring after all.
The Day After Tomorrow is a laugh. Highly entertaining, but fairly mindless. I dont know what Jersey Girl is so I cant give preferance of one over another... But I can say you will enjoy T.D.A.T.

On Friday Im going to the cinema to see Ju on "the grudge". I can not bloody wait. My brother tells me its the scariest Japan Horror he's ever seen. :hotjump:. Has any one here seen it? If yes... what did you think?
King Chaos said:
The Day After Tomorrow is a laugh. Highly entertaining, but fairly mindless. I dont know what Jersey Girl is so I cant give preferance of one over another... But I can say you will enjoy T.D.A.T.
Well i talked about them with Spike and he said that TDAT sucks and Jersey Girl is good, but i'll trust you on TDAT anyway :p I want to see them both anyway so we'll see what i think.
I shall see Secret Window on Friday with a friend. Looking forward to seeing it.
Also I should rent Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas since one friend always quotes its lines. And because I can't remember much of it since the last time I watched it at a party I was quite drunk. :p
Lolita Vampiriá said:
I shall see Secret Window on Friday with a friend. Looking forward to seeing it.
I just saw Secret Window recently. I read a lot of bad reviews on it so I wasn't expecting much, but I ended up thinking it was amazing. I really enjoyed it, and if you get the DVD it has a lot of cool special features.