
Yes, I've read many bad reviews too and because of that I have no great expectations really but however I am very curious to see it because Johnny Depp is always good in his roles.
Last Night I saw JU ON!!! (Japanese ace version)

Ive been waiting to see this film for about a year! I have never seen a more creepy and unrelentlessly scary film in my life. There's literally a hideous scare every 5 mins. It manages to stray from intense violence and remain in the realms of highly disturbing imagery. I advise you all go see it if you get the chance.

I cant remember any of the freakiest parts because there were just too many. the opening isn't too freaky, it's kind of like they are trying too hard at that point but as it gets deeper into the film it just becomes disgustingly scary. The American remake will not do it justice at all.

I like to consider myself a hardcore horror fan, and that film gets a thumbs up from me :D. If you're a hardcore horror fan too, you gotta see this film.
would love to see fahreneit 9/11. was talking about it with someone american this morning and she didn't believe that documentaries are dubbed in this country :lol:
Saw Secret Window last night. It was a slight disappointment, I knew what was going to happen from the beginning and the plot wasn't so good. :/ But like I expected Johnny Depp was very good once again.
hyena said:
would love to see fahreneit 9/11. was talking about it with someone american this morning and she didn't believe that documentaries are dubbed in this country :lol:

I'm not surprised. That has always baffled me about Germany/Italy etc.

Haven't been to movies in ages. Return Of The King was the last time. I don't remember most of the movies I watch on TV a day later.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Haven't been to movies in ages. Return Of The King was the last time.
Same here, I think. I'm not very filmy. I did watch Saving Private Ryan tonight though; seen bits and pieces of it before, but never the whole thing at once. Something about it annoys me, I only watched it this time for the battle-scenes because I'm reading a book about war right now and felt like seeing some too.
I saw Shrek 2 tonight. I cringed at alot of the happy kiddy cheesieness, but some parts were very funny. Take your little brothers and sisters and just try to let the film entertain you. I'm sure your heart will be warmed. :loco:

It's not as good as "Ju On" *quickly looks over shoulder expecting to see a freaky child covered in white paint, curled up in the corner, rocking back and forth*
I saw Spider-man 2 last night. I thought it was better than the first one. The only complaint is that the theater is full of annoying kids and people clapping for no reason.
I just watched Harry Potter 3.. i think i liked it, it distracted me for a good couple of hours, maintained my interest and didn't piss me off.

I wish we had a video store here that actually stocked good non-hollywood movies..
Merry F'n Christmas - just watched 'Bad Santa' , the unrated naughty version (Bad'der Santa) - its funny as hell -Billy Bob Thornton is out of control - check it out it - You don't need the Christmas Season to laugh Your ass off - its totally sick -
I don't think I've laughed so much sense 'Death to Smoochy' -