
We get a special screening of "Audition" on the last sixth form day of the year (next tuesday). I asked the teacher if we could watch it and he agreed! Its so funny because there's some right pussies in my group that probably shit their pants over scream 3, WTF is going to happen when they are exposed to Audition!!! Wild it will be. :hotjump: :grin:
What's that movie with the 3 high school girls that are witches? I can't remember the name of it. One of the girls is called Nancy, another one is Sarah, and i can't remember the last one. They do some weird stuff, and then one of them tries to leave them and live a normal life, but the two others attack her with some weird crap, saying that her family has died and slitting her wrists etc. Nancy ends up in a mental hospital. Wtf is it caaaalled? The literal translation of the finnish name would be 'witch-circle' but i know that's not the english name of it.
i've seen two movies this week: Butterfly Effect and Stepford Wives.

the first one is one of my favourite movies now. everyone go watch Butterfly Effect!! omg it's so good <3 i've always thought that everything happens for a reason and this movie gave me even more reasons to think so.

Stepford Wives is the most fucked up thing i've ever seen. first 40 mins or so are entertaining, but what comes after... dear god..
ah let's see....

Nightmare Before Christmas
Fight Club
Sleepy Hollow
From Hell

at the moment i'm really obsessive with Nightmare Before Christmas!
it's a great movie! Tim Burton is a genius to invent such great characters! and the short Vincent movie is beautiful!

and Jack.............. OH JACK........ :worship: :worship: :worship:
I saw jackie brown today. Nice movie but i kinda hate how tarantino always makes the "good guys" win, that bitch had it comming.

Before i saw naked lunch and wow it does take you for a ride. I also saw mystic river, nice movie but i feel odd about the ending, a part of me was a little disappointed about the fact that the crime was solved in a boring way, but the character depelopment was nevertheless very good and the ending portrayed and sumarized the character development in a very subtle and nice way....
i watched King Arthur last week. it was alright, some nice parts. keira knightley was crap with her OTT "oh look! i'm machowoman guinevere!" best bit was the battle scene at the end. sucked that i was tired and fell asleep through half of it.
I actually like KA alot there, Li.... maybe you should see it again? awake? :p (j/k)

I think it's one of the better films out in the states right now... although, I admit that the epics are starting to get kinda tiring since they can't live up to LoTR :D

oh! i knew i forgot some movie i really like! - interview with the vampire! :)

ahhh troy was nice...... but orlando bloom makes me sick!!! he's soooooooo gay!!! at the first i hated him as legolas, after that i hated him more as will turner
and now- i totally wanna shoot him as gay paris!

:worship: :worship: :worship:
*holds in arms my dying 56K connection*

/Siren (who can't suffer any more losses today)
I watched Spiderman 2 last night. It was ok, though i liked the first one a tad more. The scene in the elevator is priceless. :lol:

edit: the summer-cinema experience was refreshing btw, i hadn't been in one since childhood. the bad sound system and the honking cars annoyed me a bit, but i rather enjoyed the emptiness of the place, we were 8 people in total watching the movie. a jerk started munching chips at some point, but thankfully it didn't last long. and the bar was closed during the break. but all in all i enjoyed it. :)
Ok, saw a shitload of movies recently.

Bourne Supremacy would have been better had I seen it from more than 15 feet away (damn crowded theater). Warning - filming kinda jerks around a bit, and alot of the clues are visual and unspoken, so you have to pay attention. All in all, an awesome movie. Sidenote: Why does Eomer have to show up as a bad guy in every summer movie??? (B.S. and Chronicles of Riddick)

King Arthur: I liked it. I kept thinking that if they ditched Lancelot and Arthur they could go start a melodic death metal band :p

I, Robot: Damn good. Odd that Will Smith can carry a movie the way he does. Nothing to do with the book, but good all the same.

Spiderman 2: Was very good from a comic-book style standpoint. Some of the cheese was really thick and hard to get through, but otherwise it was decent. Still like the X-men movies more.

~kov. Looking forward to The Village, now.
Kov said:
Spiderman 2: Was very good from a comic-book style standpoint. Some of the cheese was really thick and hard to get through, but otherwise it was decent. Still like the X-men movies more.
I agree with you there.. Though I thought X-men 2 was much better than the first; I'd say X-2 is easily the best comic-book-inspired movie of them all so far.
I watched King Arthur yesterday, and I quite liked it :) In fact, if it hadn't been for that overly horny guy who moaned a loud "YEEESSSSSSS" when Keira Knightley first appeared, it would have been perfect.
I think they could probably have done some more work on the story without damaging it too much, and allowed a few scenes to develop more... But overall, I think it's good! I thought the battle scenes were just about the right length so they didn't become boring (which is something I've come to appreciate since watching Troy), I liked the actors (especially the ones playing the Saxon leader and his son - a Swede and a German can never go wrong ;)) and I wish I looked like aforementioned miss Knigthley.
Big Fish for me last night, i can say i enjoyed it, but not as much as i expected to. And i liked the ending.