
I'm being forced into watching Waterworld sometime soon, maybe tomorrow if I get bored enough, though I reckon I might watch Snatch instead before that because i've had it downloaded for longer.

Yes, I'm aware I'm several years behind.
I've never heard of it... is that good or bad? :p

The last film I went out to see was the final LotR one, also in December. I don't know if that equals yours or not, because at least I've watched one or two on tv/computer since then.
The last film I saw was A Streetcar Named Desire with Dirk. It was good. Vivien Leigh was amazing and Marlon Brando not too shabby either. Couldn't believe how dark and depressing it was. Not something you'd want to watch on a date.
Gtranquillity said:
Edward Norton... does that ring a bells?
Here you can watch the trailer :)
Unfortunately, even the trailor doesn't ring the slightest bell. Not even those tiny little tinkly bells you put on cats' collars. That's how bad I am when it comes to films. :p

Actually, half a year ago I didn't know who Johnny Depp was, until Li told me. I have a feeling that's worse.
I did watch Waterworld today after all, and quite enjoyed it. I seem to remember it getting a lot of stick when it came out, and there was a thread on SOT that suggests the same (though I haven't read it), but I don't really know why. I liked it quite a lot, even if the end was unsurprisingly cheesy, and I expected that anyway. I even didn't get annoyed by Kevin Costner.
Yeah, most people that talk about it hated it. I never thought it was the greatest thing on earth exactly.. but it was alright, I don't know why people 'hate' it.

I guess there are some things of it that are cheesy or just plain 'hollywoody' but I'm the type of person that enjoys movies that involve an unusual scenario ..something different. I can always begin to enjoy any movie just for that.

EDIT: "hollywoody" :lol:
Lethe85 said:

I love it... :worship: :worship: :worship:

I've seen Shrek2 is amazigly good!!! :)
@Rusty: 25th hour is very good, imo.. It shocked and disturbed me a lot at some points, but that's also part of the reason why i like it so much. As for the last part of LOTR, i still haven't watched it. :erk:

Last night i watched Stepford Wives, i enjoyed it a lot. I laughed quite a bit. I think Nicole Kidman's acting was magnificent, i was surprised to see that range of 'personalities' reflected so well in her face.. Though i'm not sure if the fact that she made me imagine what would happen next/had happened at a critical point is good or not (ie if it was intended by the director to be that way or not, i think it was..). If anyone knows what i mean and has an opinion on that, i'd like to know it.

Also, i watched Bergman's Nattvardsgästerna (translation anyone?) a while ago. It awoke in me a lot of existential questions, above all which "why in hell did i spend 1h and 23 mins watching this utter crap?".
Watched Beau Pere - a film by Bertrand Blier - how can I explain this movie -
Not the typical boy and girl meet , girl and boy fall in love , boy and girl break up -
Its more like a relationship between a girl and a man the ends up a relationship between a woman and a boy -
This is one of the most erotic movies I've ever seem - with very little sex (as we all know sex is 98% mental) - it blurs the lines between love , lust , morality -
I'm at a loss for an explanation for this film - this is the best I can do -
If You truly love someone , the only way to show this love is to let them go -
- check it out Beau Pere
saw Mean Girls with some friends. surprisingly entertaining. not your average dumb teen flick. doesn't have to be brain surgery to be enjoyable, right?
I saw " The fisher king" yesterday. I liked the phrase one heroine pronounced there. It's about who was created first: Woman or Man... She says that Woman gives a birth to a child and it's always a new world. And she says that Woman always looks for Man. As people like temptations so that's why Man is some kind of devilish nature... And the main purpose of every person is to find his\her half. To be transcendantal :)
Hehe :P