
Misanthrope said:
The thing about lynch is that this EXACT SAME THING ( only change the disturbingly weird for disturbingly sick on the first line ) happened to me as i watched Blue Velvet.
I should clarify from my comments in the hub, you probably won't get this reaction from watching Svidd Neger. The polt is easy to follow, it's the dream sequences that create a strange atmosphere in the film. As is stands that's close to my experience with Mulholland Drive, a film I clearly need to see a second and third time.
Misanthrope said:
Well going up for the ride is nice and disturbingly weird ( that is how i watch it at first ). But the second time you see it you start getting all the details that run all around and start making sense of the dream somehow and it gets more interesting. Then you watch it yet again and you finally put most of it togheter and you end up being even more disturbed than on the first watch.
This is what I did on Wild at heart. I saw it three times, first time just leaving the cinema totally bewildered. Next times I managed to piece it together and all I could do was adore the weird perspective and merciless inner logic (inner meaning not working outside).
I recently saw a couple of my DVDs in Spanish for the hell of it..
You Mexicans can't dub/voice-act for shit! :lol:

I've also re-seen hollywood movies dubbed in Spain, and with their accent and expressions it's just hilarious to watch :P
Speaking of dubbed stuff, we had a German tv channel for a while which I used to watch for educational purposes, and South Park dubbed in German is absolutely hilarious but for all the wrong reasons :lol:
That channel did have Swedish subtitles on occasion, but they were rarely correct. For instance, one could be watching a movie where the hero and heroine are standing on the deck of a big ship, holding each other, looking romantic and speaking softly.
The subtitles would say:
"Yes, that's my new car, it's a Volvo. Nice, isn't it?"
"It looks like the back door is broken. Did you buy milk?"
I just saw Donnie Darko. Excellent film but the stupid sun was right the monitor so i could not see shit for the better part of the movie without straining my eyes...i seriously need to get this on dvd.
MagSec4 said:
I recently saw a couple of my DVDs in Spanish for the hell of it..
You Mexicans can't dub/voice-act for shit! :lol:

I've also re-seen hollywood movies dubbed in Spain, and with their accent and expressions it's just hilarious to watch :P
hah, mexican and chilean spanish dubs are the best, because they almost lack accent, spaniards are funny all right, and colombians just sound like some coastal peasant talking about bananas :err:
I once saw some old western movies with German dubbing and for me these were the most hilarious comedies ever. Imagine and Indian coming up to his chief and saying "Heil Furer" (sorry for the u, I dan't know how to do it right)
I watched The Shining tonight. First time I watched that I was just an infant. I couldnt remeber much from it, apart from the freaky bath scene with the rotting away old woman. I have to say It delivered the goods in so far as it scared me.

All work and no play makes jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes jack a dull boy
Thanatos said:
hah, mexican and chilean spanish dubs are the best, because they almost lack accent
Try as they might, it sounds Mexican-as-fuck to us :P
Exclamations and curses they use are also pretty bland, limited, and in many cases unfitting.

spaniards are funny all right, and colombians just sound like some coastal peasant talking about bananas :err:
You and the Spaniards are just sore because we speak the clearest Spanish in the world :Smokedev:
..and have a much cooler offensive vocabulary :Smokedev:
Movies -
I'm about a year ahead on this but the movie I want to see is 'Batman Begins' - I've always liked the Batman Franchise - I never thought the previous Batman Movies were dark enough - plus the New Batman is Christian Bale (American Psyco,Equilibrium,Swing Kids,SK is great music, Nazis, dancing) - Christian is my favorite actor - I'm sure He will add much to Batman plus some of the behind the scene people for 'Batman Begins' are the same ones who did Memento -
Memento as We know runs backwards, the story starts at the end and ends with the beginning - there is a hidden feature (an easter egg) that allows for the playing of this DVD in the correct chronological order - does anyone know where this feature is hidden in the DVD menu?
La Rocque said:
there is a hidden feature (an easter egg) that allows for the playing of this DVD in the correct chronological order - does anyone know where this feature is hidden in the DVD menu?
nope, but i would like to know. if you were asking to test our knowledge, that is.
Ok, saw Chronicles of Riddick and The Stepford Wives the past two weekends. First was good, pretty much what I expected of it, and only a little better than Pitch Black. If you didn't like PB, then you might like this one, but it's no guarantee. Stepford Wives, on the other hand, was completely hysterical. It's honestly the funniest movie I've seen in a long time - although I might be biased, as I basically am the lead male role in that movie... damn gf/ex/wtf.... that and I think Christopher Walken is hysterical in any role. Although he didn't play a big part in this one. In any case, that's my 'oh-so-brief' review of both. Goodnight. :p
