
King Chaos said:
Im sorry... Yes Ive heard of generalisations. I'm unaware one was made at any point in either mine or your posts though.
You see - it happened again - I managed to make somebody angry. Don't take it too personally - but I still think what I said is true: people don't care if sth they watch (or listen to, or read) has any deeper meaning whatsoever. They just like to be amused, thrilled, frightened - you name it. And this is what pop culture is all about.

And that's what Hollywood thrives on. You can't deny it.
It's not that I have sth against it!
Branwen said:
You see - it happened again - I managed to make somebody angry.
:lol: I thought I started my rant with "Im sorry"... thus it would soften the blow of what I was saying, which shouldn't have been taken as derogitory anyway. You don't have what it takes to make me angry... I'm the most chilled cat you'll ever meet :cool:.

I understand what you're saying about pop culture, but I think its more based on trends, then the mindless entertainment based on it follows. But alot of films that I consider "Pop culture" are just plain bad...
Like American Pie. That film is about a bunch of horny little K-units trying to get there end away while a large amount of pathetic toilet humour invades the strictly linear narrative...
speaking of the linear narrative this films structure is-
Kids are virgins...
disruption occurs when they are made fun of for being virgins...
Kids lose their virginty all together, the end. :err:

this is pop culture... at least The Day After Tomorrow was promising us an untimely and painful death... which to me is somewhat un-nerving. A bunch of 25 year olds pretending to be 17 and shitting themselves is just- :Smug: :err: (too many negative words could be used to express how this makes me feel).
King Chaos said:
:lol: You don't have what it takes to make me angry...
:err: *scheming scheming scheming* Just watch me and see! ;)

I tend to get more and more disapointed every time I go to the movies, these new grand productions are just so EMPTY. They are beautifully made, that's true, the visual layer is beyond criticism. It's unbelievable what computers can do. But It really makes me angry to see movie after movie where everybody claps their hands at the end and is happy.

American movies, huh! (am I hurting your patriotic feelings now?)
I have no Patriotic feelings either. I wish the summer blockbusters could be more artistic too but it just can't be done clearly... Although "Eternal sunshine..." Was insane and thats straight out of hollywood. We need more screenplayers/writers like charlie kauffman. All his films were great, they just did minimal buissness home and internationally :waah: which means productions companies wont put their eggs in his basket.

Paul Thomas Andersson makes great films... I think he's working on one now, the name has slipped my mind but If you liked boogie nights, magnolia and Punch drunk love check out his next one.
King Chaos said:
I have no Patriotic feelings either. I wish the summer blockbusters could be more artistic too but it just can't be done clearly... Although "Eternal sunshine..." Was insane and thats straight out of hollywood. We need more screenplayers/writers like charlie kauffman. All his films were great, they just did minimal buissness home and internationally :waah: which means productions companies wont put their eggs in his basket.

Paul Thomas Andersson makes great films... I think he's working on one now, the name has slipped my mind but If you liked boogie nights, magnolia and Punch drunk love check out his next one.
Oh, I've just noticed your location info: so you're British or American??
About doing minimal business: this is the core of the problem. MOOOONEEEYYY! unfortunately
Money is all any film industry is based on really. Good thing is in france Im pretty sure arthouse does really good buissiness so they get loads of great films shown in their multiplexes. Same with Japan, they have loads of great directors so they get loads of great films which a marketable in the fact that they are culturally homebased.

Yes Branwen, Im British.
The last movie I saw was Tokyo Godfathers by director Satoshi Kon. It's a rather enjoyable anime-movie with un-stereotypical characters and a storyline full of sudden twists and turns. Recommendable.

Salkkari: I'm also pretty damn excited waiting for GitS 2: Innocence. Although I never was too fond of Shirow's manga, the first Ghost in the Shell movie is a classic and I want to know, how they will continue the story from where the first one ended.

i saw a frecnh film about erotomania. is that what it's called? i was expecting a mushy love story, instead i got about 2 hrs of this crazy girl stalking an innocent man. quite good stuff.
Malaclypse said:
say, is your second name "krigsbarn" by any chance? you remind me of her...
I spent lots of time reading what happened on this forum earlier (Gods, I thought I'd done that before, but there's always sth to surprise me)

AND I found lots of Krigsbarn.

And... well - sorry for pain-in-the-ass monster, Krigsbarn!
Malaclypse - thanks for the compliment - I'll do my best to live up to it! :grin:
Villain said:
Salkkari: I'm also pretty damn excited waiting for GitS 2: Innocence. Although I never was too fond of Shirow's manga, the first Ghost in the Shell movie is a classic and I want to know, how they will continue the story from where the first one ended.


I'm actually thinking it will be more standlone, like Standalone Complex
(everyone saw that pun coming about 1000miles down the road, then
it got to the turn and crashed right off the road). I was actually surprised
to find out that, even tho it's about Bateau, it's less action oriented than
the first one.
Have you seen the series?
They made a second season after all :hotjump:

As for the manga, can't say much, I have some of it on my computer,
but haven't gotten around to actually reading it yet.
Salamurhaaja said:
Have you seen the series?
I saw the first 18 or 19 episodes of the first season fansubbed back when it was still airing in Japan, plus a small glimpse of one episode of the second season some weeks ago. I decided to wait until I get it all on DVD and watch it all through then.

Speaking of manga, have you read 20th Century Boys? Although the name would imply of some crappy yaoi-title, it is actually an incredible story revolving around conspiracies and such, while spanning several decades. There's a whole bunch of extremely interesting characters, some of whom change dramatically as the time goes on. It is created by Naoki Urasawa, the author of Monster, which was made into anime recently. 20th Century Boys is still going on and has 16 volumes out now (scanlated, perhaps vol. 17 has already been released in Japan) and it has hooked me completely. Some of the best manga I have ever read, alongside with Berserk (just ordered the 3rd official Berserk volume in English, btw).

Ok, I have seen the first season and the fansubbed 8 episodes of the second,
so far I think the first one was better, but with only 8 episodes out of the 2nd
one it's hard to be sure.

Haven't heard of that manga, I will have to check it out when I get to my holiday,
in less than 2 weeks, 9 days of work after this one, can't wait :D
In 1.30 mins I'm going to see Hurry Porter. I hope I'm not going to fall asleep, sigh! Tomorrow I'll let you know how bad it was...
Opaltone said:
Politiki kouzina
Where are you from?

rahvin said:
saw it with alfred a couple of weeks ago. we liked how eye-candy it was, but we laughed out loud at the stupid silliness of the plot. it was so childish it made matrix look like intellectual entertainment.
It's certainly not the best movie i've ever seen, to be honest i hardly even remember it now (it's been a few weeks since i watched it). What i liked about it was the idea, more than anything else. And that's because it reminded me greatly of "1984", one of my favourite books of all time.
Siren said:
It's certainly not the best movie i've ever seen, to be honest i hardly even remember it now (it's been a few weeks since i watched it). What i liked about it was the idea, more than anything else. And that's because it reminded me greatly of "1984", one of my favourite books of all time.
it did seem like a wish-wash adaptation of fahrenheit 451 to us. the concept that someone might do away with human emotions was very frail and inconsistent to boot: even the satisfaction in their work would have counted as an emotion, and every time someone said "i am pleased", for instance. we idly ripped apart the foundations of this seemingly tyrannical system during the first ten minutes, which is what made it seem pretty unbelievable to us. oh well. it's not as if it was an overall bad movie anyway. the graphics were pretty neat.
@rahvin: i know what you mean... but sometimes it's just impossible to explain why we're fond of some things inspite of their obvious imperfections. :p
rahvin said:
@branwen: not bad. but a bit silly, i must say. take a look at draco malfoy in his best rapper pose and cringe. :erk:

It WAS bad.

Who the hell said this part was darker than the previous ones? This was 'darker' only providing that the perfect 'dark' is Van Helsing :ill: