
I'm 10 mins late for this to be true but I wanna do this pun anyway....

The day after tomorrow Im going to see The Day After Tomorrow.

Propa gud :D :D
Its true too I am. Im not really looking forward to it though.

@ all the foreign film fans: Check out "central station" and "amilie" these films rule!!! also "run lola run" and "Sympathy for mr vengeance".

Anyone here seen any of the above? what did ya think?
Troy is decent evening entertainment, and if you have no clue whatsoever what the Iliad (and the Odyssey, too) is about, then you'll probably enjoy the story. Nice photography, and I liked the wooden horse... :p However, it's hardly a classic, and I think you could have done something much much more interesting with the original story as it is.

I think Hollywood stupifies people though - well, it did something nasty to Wolfgang Petersen at least. I've seen Das Boot, which I find excellent, and compared to anything he has done in Hollywood, such as Air Force One or Troy... You begin to wonder why the quality has dropped so dramatically.
i just saw a decent italian movie about nazi skinheads. it wasn't maybe the most profound analysis ever, but it most definitely managed to portray them as lousy losers. maybe the soundtrack was a bit overdone tho: a very heavy techno tune with sieg heil as a refrain didn't sound very realistic. :p
I also saw a movie about skin head nazis called "pariah". It was very disturbing and horrowing. I didnt enjoy it one bit. Also American History X... which I did enjoy.

If you liked Amelie you'll love "central station"... its fairly similar but less fantastical (in its narrative). It tackles more realistic and gritty predicaments.
i never saw pariah, but i saw american history x and sort of enjoyed it. we need to remember to ask rahvin if it's the movie that made him fall in love with edward norton. :p on the other hand, i hated amélie with a passion.
hyena said:
i never saw pariah, but i saw american history x and sort of enjoyed it. we need to remember to ask rahvin if it's the movie that made him fall in love with edward norton. :p on the other hand, i hated amélie with a passion.
Cant believe it... the first person Ive ever met to hate amelie. :wave:

Rahvin loves Edward Norton too? Hes one of my favourite hollywood actors! First film i saw him in was "Primal Fear". His performance was spine chilling. Fight club goes without saying... masterpiece. One of his most recent films- "death to smoochie" is also really really good. Its a terribly odd role for him to be in though, but It just shows and tests his durabillity.
anyone here seen Death to Smoochie, and didn't you just think the pink dinosaur suit looked too good on Norton :p.
i saw troy. :erk:

though it has some good moments, it's pretty annoying overall. the plot is so different from the original story that it doesn't make any sense. and i'm beginning to hate orlando bloom.
Sometimes I'm wondering which alternative reality I dwell in. Every time people start to talk about actors I feel like a caveman listening to a dozen nuclear physicists talking about state of the art technologies. For example, say "Orlando Bloom". It makes as much sense to me as "srgökjarhjnthemoihetjkjanmlrjtu" and this goes for every actor. Usually I'm good at remembering faces and names, but actors are like a blind spot for me.
I went to go see "the Day after Tomorrow" today.

It's one of the best disaster movies I've seen (but I dont really like disaster movies so I havn't seen that many).

It was fairly mindless entertainment. I think it would satisfy a tr00 film fan and wildly arouse a moronic consumer. Not enough on screen deaths for my mindless entertainment liking.... but whatever.
thanks for reminding me that 'office space' exists, i was thinking i wanted to see it some weeks ago then the title slipped my mind. now i can get it.

i'm seeing animal factory tonight. i love edward bunker, so the plot is going to be good (carl: he's not an actor, eventhough he did a bit of a cameo in reservoir dogs. he's a writer).
Tranquillian said:
I've just seen Office Space and Equilibirum. Both highly recommended.

I agree, Office Space is full of the kinda crap I see every day, so it's hilarious
and Equilibrium beats The Matrix hands down.
the LOTR elf whom many girls fancy for reasons incomprehensible to me.
Yeah - all elves in LOTR are gay
and girls fancy O.B. the same way boys fancy Britney