i've been watching a great deal of movies recently so i feel compelled to post some short reviews. you'll know that i totally loved dogville, so i won't ramble on it here, although i've seen it a third time and still love it.
the rules of attraction, from the book by bret easton ellis, was a bit of a disappointment, as american psycho is. it tells the story of a few young adults in a college for rich people, enjoying their vices and having tangled lives. it seems that the "no hope" quality of ellis' books has much to do with the writing style - these short, sharp sentences that manage to express emotional void. the movie is not very interesting - there's sex and drugs onscreen, if you like that kind of thing, but the original feeling of the book is probably present in 5 minutes out of 140.
ken park, since i'm talking controversial movies, is hard to judge. it's about fucked up teenage skateboarders; they have very bad relationships with their families, two are victim of some form of incest, one sleeps with his girlfriend's mother, one becomes a murderer, and the film opens with a teen shooting himself. i used to be a larry clark fan (loved kids and liked bully), but this one didn't do the trick for me. maybe i've just grown out of features on teenage desperation, depravation and rebellion, or maybe i've grown into middle-class insensitiveness to explicit, inflamatory scenes (bu forbid)... some years ago i would have thought that the ending of this movie - not saying anything here in case somebody wants to see it - sort of meant that another world could be possible, but now i'm closed to the option, and almost fail to see the message. i would be interested in hearing opinions about it.
the diary of bridget jones is a funny comedy, but it's also a repertoire of clichés. i think most of you already know the story - single woman in her 30s goes through a crisis, falls for the wrong guy, gets dumped, finds (boring) dream man. the humor is good in some points, but it didn't get a real laugh out of me. good actors and all, but save your time and don't see it.
the italian film dopo mezzanotte (after midnight, but i don't know if it's going to be distributed abroad) had the remarkable feature of being shot in my hometown, and the lead character - a guy doing night rounds in torino's film museum - somehow reminded me of rahvin, which was cool. the storyline is this: a girl from the slums goes out with a car thief who cheats on her and treats her condescendingly, then she commits a minor crime, hides in a museum, falls in love with the night guard. when she returns to the outside world, she tries to go out with both boys (at the same time, and she even wants them to become friends). then she decides for one of them and the other is shot. i liked the characterization of the people from the slums, because of their funny and realistic way of talking, but the whole thing was a ripoff of the amélie film (i know this is not the english title, but i don't know it) and i didn't like that one to boot.
luther is tragically bad. it's meant to be about luther, of course, but it's a farce. it starts off interesting, seems a good historical film and all, and ends up like a soap opera. i'm not going into detail, just don't see it.
the passion of the christ is, again, hard to judge. the title is self-explanatory as far as the story is concerned. what you read on the papers is true: the violence is kind of extreme. being a christian, i didn't wince - i normally would have, if faced with the same intensity of blood and pain - because i basically knew all the details (the movie is very close to the scripture text) and i thought that it was good to get a stronger feel of what jesus might have suffered at the hand of his tormentors. i think that if seen from an agnostic perspective - that is, without thinking "ha, ha, ha, at the end he rose from the dead and won over all of these bastards!" - the violence could block most reflections. oh, and unlike you have read in the papers, it's not anti-semitic. it portrays masses of jews acting like idiots, but that's because they're masses, asking for the blood of whoever is unpopular on a given day, not because they're jews.
i would have more but i'm running out of waking hours. so i'll go to sleep.
do any of you have suggestions for gangster movies about the mickey cohen era? i've seen l.a. confidential years ago, although that wasn't a proper gangster movie, and i believe there must be a celluloid version of both black dahlia and american tabloid, but (a) i'm not positive about it (b) the world does not end with james ellroy books and i'd love to see more.
also, has anyone seen the purported shocker baise-moi? is it another softcore movie passed for an art film or is it anything objectively worth seeing?