
Ok, so I saw The Day The Earth Stood Still last nite and I gotta say
it surprised me on how much it actually sucked, I wasn't expecting much,
it's Keanu Reeves after all, but it went even below my expectations.

Also watched The Alphabet Killer the other day and well, it wasn't
really all that good either, only redeeming quality was a bit of sideboob
from Eliza Dushku and that wasn't enough to save the movie.
Ok, so I saw The Day The Earth Stood Still last nite and I gotta say
it surprised me on how much it actually sucked, I wasn't expecting much,
it's Keanu Reeves after all, but it went even below my expectations.

I was writing a paper for my film genres class that I recently completed (science fiction was what I wrote my paper on) and I did the original which was obviously far superior. In my research I was curious enough to read a couple differing synopsis(es, or whatever) all of which did not look appealing in the least bit. IMO this isn't shaping up to be a great winter for movies, the only ones piquing my interest are Gran Torino (Clint is supposed to be great despite his usual typecasting) and The Wrestler (which supposedly got rave reviews). I'll be catching up on those I haven't seen yet also.
...Gran Torino (Clint is supposed to be great despite his usual typecasting) and The Wrestler (which supposedly got rave reviews). I'll be catching up on those I haven't seen yet also.

I'd add a Slumdog Millionaire - it's Boyle after all.

Yep, nothing else to see.

Mmm, Valkyrie? I'll see it if Les Grossman does his dance.
Watched Transporter 3 last nite, it was pretty ok, but a bit too much
like 1 & 2, but that is sequels for you. It's one of these throw your brain on
neutral and watch movies.
Thanks to Zach.Zang for mentioning the "Onion News Movie," I watched it and it's hilarious! I really liked, I'm going to buy the DVD :) .


Take me from behiiiiiiind! :lol:

And here's the video for your viewing pleasure :lol: :

Watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button on Monday and it was a great movie. Recommendation goes out to everyone here.
My take on Watchmen:

Interesting movie, with part good acting and part uninteresting acting. IMO the bad acting is not bad enough to label the movie as crap.

Nice philosophical debates. Or debate, I should say. Characters psychologies are more interesting than that of any Spider-Man or The Hulk crap that came out recently so hurray for that.

The Comedian and Rorschach are my faves, they're the only bastards that really get it.

Also: Too much blue cock. I'm not a homophobe (besides, he's not human and it's CGI so meh) but if only it wouldn't look like he's just done it or is about to do it. I've read the comic and there is indeed some blue nudity but they just abused it in the movie.

Not minding the penis and just judging the movie for what it is and what it wanted to be (I think): 7.5/10

We will not be talking about that movie in 10 years but it's more than worth being seen.
Also: Too much blue cock.


There's no such thing as "too much cock".

Plus - give it to Snyder: he was surrounded by 300 almost naked men couple years ago for a few months, I was sure all along it had done something to him.

Not sure I'll be seeing the movie though - not till it hits local IMAX anyway. 2 hours and 40 minutes? Naaaaaaaaah...
Plus - give it to Snyder: he was surrounded by 300 almost naked men couple years ago for a few months, I was sure all along it had done something to him.

It sure got to him.

I was planning on going IMAX and went early in the day to get my ticket only to find out it was sold out. Stupid large cities and their too many people.
My take on Watchmen:

Interesting movie, with part good acting and part uninteresting acting. IMO the bad acting is not bad enough to label the movie as crap.

Nice philosophical debates. Or debate, I should say. Characters psychologies are more interesting than that of any Spider-Man or The Hulk crap that came out recently so hurray for that.

The Comedian and Rorschach are my faves, they're the only bastards that really get it.

Also: Too much blue cock. I'm not a homophobe (besides, he's not human and it's CGI so meh) but if only it wouldn't look like he's just done it or is about to do it. I've read the comic and there is indeed some blue nudity but they just abused it in the movie.

Not minding the penis and just judging the movie for what it is and what it wanted to be (I think): 7.5/10

We will not be talking about that movie in 10 years but it's more than worth being seen.

I agree that it's much more deep than say Spidey or Hulk, but the thing is that I read the comic. And it was so much better. Agreed, it's very difficult to "translate" a comic into a movie. But hell, TLOTR is excellent and actually moved me. But no, not Watchmen. And I still hate that they changed the ending so much.

The DVD version is supposed to be longer, I am eagerly awaiting that one, I haven't seen the one in cinemas yet though. Thursday evening will probably be the time for that.
I thought Watchmen the movie was surprisingly good: coherent, visually stimulating (no, I'm not talking about the blue penis) and faithful enough to the graphic novel. Of course, it didn't quite reach the literary excellence of the original, but considering how impossible it is to translate such a "heavy" graphic novel like Watchmen to screen, I think they did a good job. At least much better job than the makers of V for Vendetta, which I also watched recently.

The best movie I've seen in a while was the Robert McNamara document "Fog of War". Tremendous amounts of ethical questions about war and politics in general. Really makes one feel and think.

I found the movie to be pretty flat. Action and such were great and the actors were good, too, but there was no depth in any character and the story was about:
Big bad guy attacks - *Action* - Big bad guy goes somewhere else, let us go there - *Action* - Big bad guy goes somewhere else again - *Action*

To me it seemed like they made the best out of a horrible storyboard so it was still a movie worth seeing, but nothing more.