
Slumdog Millionare and The Count Of Monte Cristo (2002)...both were good but I liked 'Count' better because I'm more for that kind of story. I read the book so I know the movie is quite different from the real story...and the written story is totally better of course, though I do confess I only read the abridged version. I didn't realize it until I finished the book...I was wondering why it was so SOLID from start to finish.
Terminator Salvation

Didn’t have high expectations whatsoever due to the early bad reviews but still had to see this one. Sure it looks nice and has few cool scenes that get you excited but otherwise this is a hollow, dumbed-down and illogical sci-fi/action movie with little or any character development taking place in the Post-Judgement Day Terminator universe. The Marcus Wright idea is nice but poorly executed, nevertheless Worthington stands out, Bale does the best he can with the poor script devoid of anything intriguing for John Connor as the rest of the cast remain as worthless statistics only pointing out the obvious that surely the audience understands by themselves. A poor story with too much obvious CGI but the action sequences save it from being a two hour snoozefest.
Transformers 2

What can I say? The fights were a lot better than the 1st one (and a lot more violent! Give me your face!!!). But the rest… well not good, at all :rolleyes: .

Followed the reviews: some said that sometimes there's so much going on on-screen, you can't even understand who is kicking who, and who to root for.

I'd see it IMAX, but local doesn't have it on yet (preparing for the fucking Harry Potter? Fuck that!), so I'll just wait till all the hype wears off.
Transformers 2
Why do I keep torturing myself? First one was shit and this one is even worse shit.

Star Trek
aka Star Wars. Shit.
[ame=]Star Trek is Star Wars[/ame]

As a fan of the comic this sucked ass. As a movie it's pretty ok.

Terminator 4
Yawn. But still better than 3, but not by much.
Wow..Hard choices..I'm looking forward seeing Transformers 2,

Of what i've seen though:
Underworld Trilogy
All Ace Ventura's (ofcourse)
Transporter Trilogy
American Pie movies

Lots lots of more.. but those is the ones i can think of now
Watchmen DVD out next week

I'm not sure when(maybe next week?)There will be a director’s cut, that DVD that will be 3 hours 10 minutes and another cut with “Tales of the Black Freighter” that will be 3 hours 25 minutes
The theater version was about 2 hours 36 minutes -
Yeah Transformers 2 was awful, I kind of liked Public Enemies but some parts where boring and the photography was weird.
I just saw a piece of turd floating on the screen, it was called GI Joe: Rise of the Meh.
It's nice that Hollywood deems it their mission to destroy anything and everything I ever enjoyed as a kid.
I'm fairly sure they are planning to butcher Macross next.