
Originally posted by witch
What u think about Harry Potter?
I like a lot animals 'n' fx :)

i liked that movie, it was fresh and funny. i tend to like animals, generally speaking, and i sure appreciate good special effects, but i find sort of creepy that you mention them together... you mean you're into movies where animals explode in a thousand pieces? :eek: :p

now that's funny, but i cannot recall any of such movies. that's the tragedy of spreading political correctness: first no character is ever killed in mickey mouse comics, then no good character ever smokes in mickey mouse comics, then no character at all ever smokes in mickey mouse comics, then no good character smokes in films except for stereotypical adolescents, now no animal explodes on a screen, soon everything is going to be produced for a public of vegetarians... AAAAAH

hyena (i wish i had a weapon)
@hyena: i cannot even begin to imagine how a series of pink bunnies exploding loudly on the movie screen would dramatically improve modern day movies' crisis of ideas and poverty of brilliant plots... :rolleyes:

rahvin. (diverting their eyes)
well, pink bunnies (and teddy bears at that) don't give the same thrill of real, live animals exploding. now a series of cows exploding on a movie screen would make big ilaria cry and that's funny enough.

Originally posted by witch
What u think about Harry Potter?
I like a lot animals 'n' fx :)

I liked Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, but felt the book was much better. Probably as I was drawn into the book's descriptions of thoughts and emotions. The movie could not represent those...

I did like the animals. :) The owls were cute, and I liked the bat at Diagon Alley. Bats are good. :grin:
Originally posted by rahvin
i tend to like animals, generally speaking
i like speaking animals too, what a coincidence!

Siren (silly and in a hurry)
and talking about movies, i just saw "american history x". makes my top 20 maybe but i have some doubts. it is very okay at times since it does not really take sides, it shows there's bad stuff on both fronts. still, there's a bit of moralism and disgusting political correctness at some points. there's some fine intuitions and good characters, plus spot-on aesthetics, but still it's not worth "do the right thing" as a movie on racial conflicts.
not that it has anything to do with it, but i want to see "summer of sam" again - the only one of my faves that i have seen only once. now that was something profound, showing under multiple viewpoints how idiotic it is to adhere to the rules of a given group. in my opinion, that was the message - _do challenge_. fucking punk.

hyena (i wish i was in love. i wish i wasn't)
Out of lack of things to do I went and attempted to watch most movies out in the cinemas, here in .nz . I can't say I was overly impressed at the quality of story telling in the latest Hollywood flicks. Movies like Dragonfly and Hearts in Atlantis I found to be quite dry plot wise and overly un-original, most of the plot progressions have been done a dozen times before. Episode II I enjoyed the 1st time but I don't think I will be able to sit through it again, especially the "romance" progression which was overproduced sentence structure wise. Concerning the comedies, my initial believe that most comedies are aimed at the child's mind was once again confirmed. Panic room was a true waste of time, but then again one did get the fact that the plot was based around a room from the trailers. Queen of the Damned I found to be a shocking bastardisation of the 2 books (Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned) that were attempted to cluster into 1 and a half hours.
Originally posted by hyena
and talking about movies, i just saw "american history x". makes my top 20 maybe but i have some doubts. it is very okay at times since it does not really take sides, it shows there's bad stuff on both fronts. still, there's a bit of moralism and disgusting political correctness at some points. there's some fine intuitions and good characters, plus spot-on aesthetics, but still it's not worth "do the right thing" as a movie on racial conflicts.
not that it has anything to do with it, but i want to see "summer of sam" again - the only one of my faves that i have seen only once. now that was something profound, showing under multiple viewpoints how idiotic it is to adhere to the rules of a given group. in my opinion, that was the message - _do challenge_. fucking punk.

hyena (i wish i was in love. i wish i wasn't)

I saw summer of sam. Its really neat =)
Last movie i saw at the theatres was "From Hell" (yeah, i got scared at many points :rolleyes: ), and i will soon watch at home lotr (2nd time), "the wall" and "how siren failed (her exams)" :p
The Big Lebowski
Apocalypse Now Redux
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The Ninth Gate

a bunch of others that I can't think of right now.
@hyena: spot-on aesthetics shall be your new way to convey the message "half-naked edward norton with a swastika on his breast is an image to drool over for life". quick and to the point. :) :)

second that about summer of sam myself, really good movie.
