
i can't remember having posted my brabble here, so:

gattaca is m all-time favourite
maybe braveheart
lotr:tfotr was nice as well
american history x

that's all i can think of so far.
Is there a movie that likes you just for the story in itself?
I mean.. the story likes you so much than u don't pay attention to nothing else?

My favourite movie (first of all, 4 the story in itself, last but not least, I like a lot cast and their interpretations) is Leòn
@ |ng: the french actor name is Jean Reno :notworthy
I think that this is the most beautiful love-story I've ever seen on screen

so, I was askin' if you ppl ever seen a movie that likes you specially for the story in itself..
Ah, that's it, Jean Reno. Excuse me, I respect your opinion, but I don't like that movie. Can't find any positive aspect on it, Jean Reno isn't a good actor and the spanish version is really awful. :eek:

So, let's talk movies!!

I can't really rank them but I will say that Braveheart rules.

I am a great fan of old silent movies such as the Cabinet of Dr.Caligari and Nosferatu.

I am really amazed that nobidy has mentioned Dark City!!!!! It's such a great movie... There are so many.... If I start I won't stop...

Almost everything from Tim Burton is great, especially The Nightmare Before Christmas!!

Everything with Milla Jovovich is also great, but that's a personal opinion :p

I don't know if anyone has seen a swedish movie: Sleepwalker. It is brilliant!!! I am trying to find a DVD version with english subtitles but no luck.. if anybody knows anything I would be grateful!
Originally posted by |ngenius
Ah, that's it, Jean Reno. Excuse me, I respect your opinion, but I don't like that movie. Can't find any positive aspect on it, Jean Reno isn't a good actor and the spanish version is really awful. :eek:

Bah, all gachupinas versions are strangely dubbed, that movies is good, I like stories of hitmen, since I'm the biggest of them all :p

Edit: hehe rahvin didn't see this :p
Princess Mononoke
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Interview with the Vampire
Evil Dead Trilogy
Star Wars movies (hey, had to mention)
Fellowship of the Ring

and I recently revisited The Last Unicorn...a strange movie, but good

not in any particular order and there has to be more...any good fantasy movie
@witch: Since I started to really love the movies, I started to watch them not only fot the story but also for the way that the director manage the cameras, the performance of the actors and actresses, photography, dialogues, etc. But if I have to choose a movie that I enjoy it mostly because of the story, I would choose American History x

@narcoloth: I know a place where you can find every movie you want, the problem is that they only sell you a copy in VHS. But if you're interested, I can help you.
Originally posted by NovemberFrost

and I recently revisited The Last Unicorn...a strange movie, but good
Hmm... my friend keeps mentioning that movie and says it is great. I've never seen it; I should one day...

Originally posted by Narcoloth

I am really amazed that nobidy has mentioned Dark City!!!!! It's such a great movie... There are so many.... If I start I won't stop...

Almost everything from Tim Burton is great, especially The Nightmare Before Christmas!!
I saw both Dark City and Nightmare Before Christmas a long time ago. They are both quite trippy. :)

Hmm... Nosferatu and Caligari. Great choices! :)
there are many reasons why some kinda movies likes us.. one of them can be story.. or maybe screenshots, or atmosphere. :spin:

I like Leon from the first time I saw it, don't give a damn' about media. The same thing for Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Crow.. and so on.
@witch: i kept it inside for i don't know how long, and i know everyone here will hate my guts for it, especially you, because i really should mind my own business... but i have to tell you... :cry:
it's "i like a movie", not "a movie likes me". unless you really mean something on film might love me.

sorry... :waah:

rahvin. (incomplete)
@rahvin: no prob. if u talk in "english" (long story) u're completely right :)
if i wrong, you *have* to correct me ;)

/witch (gives a hanky to rahvin.. hey, stop cryin')
@rahvin: so.. did u try to told me that just because u're skinny u can't stop cryin'?
:lol: never heard something as silly as this before (is it right, boss? :s )

/witch (head spinning)