
@Siren: I am just under Newcastle, in a shitty place called Middlesbrough. This was my final year though. So I will be going down to Greece for summer and then back to London for an MA.
Do you also live in the UK?
@Narcoloth: I have to look in the map to identify those places :p
No, i live in greece, but i know many ppl living in the UK :)
@Siren: Don't even bother to find it, I sure want to forget it asap, hehe... Just for the record, Newcastle (and Middlesbrough of course) is on the North East of UK. It's actually much closer to Scotland than London.

Yes, MA=Master. I finished my BA here (Creative Visualisation) and I am going next year to Kingston Uni ( London) for an MA in Production Design for Film.

Whereabouts in Greece? Athens? I am from Athens... Can't wait to come back for some sun!!!
u should try the irc server some day, cause some people *ahem* might accuse us of chit-chatting ;)
Yes indeed, I did that myself to someone... :blush:
So yes that's the last post in this "chit-chat" guys, sorry.

I'll use PM instead... At some point I might install IRC but possibly after next week as I have serious deadline to meet by monday and it could prove too distracting...
@Witch: Sunday, 7 pm in downtown, I'll meet you near the old war heroe's statue and the we'll have a coffee ok? :spin:
*points finger towards Siren and Narcoloth* they are guilty of chit-chatting, I request they get banned from the forum ASAP :p
I think I posted about Spiderman in the first page of this same thread. But anyway, I think is quite good just for entertainment, but far away of be a masterpiece.

I think it's a great comic book adaptation, possibly the best along with Batman (just the first 2) and the Crow. I am really looking forward to the new Spawn because the 1st one sucked...
Originally posted by LadyCal
It's a bad movie if you're afraid of high places....
but I enjoyed it - there's a Hero in Town ;)

did you summon me? :cool:

however, exactly because i happen to feel uneasy in high places (pretty predictable, huh?) i like to watch movies dealing with high places. at least i get a little adrenalin rush, otherwise i might as well go back to my mine. ;)

Originally posted by LadyCal
I'm afraid of high places,too (just of human builings..) -

i'm used to taking long walks on the mountains (that was predictable too, wasn't it? :rolleyes: ) and i seldom feel ill at ease, but once every long while it does happen and i have to sit still for a while without looking down, or better yet climb down to a wider, safer place on a plateau or something. maybe i should start a phobia thread? ;)
