
La Rocque said:
Just watched 'Death to Smoochy' again, I like this movie big time.
I think I'm one of the few who think this is a great (dark) comedy
I'm really impressed with Edward Norton's ice skating in this film -
Yeah I agree... I bloody loved it. And his ice skating really was something else :tickled:

I think it had a pretty good message. Alot of people hate it though (british film institute guys) because it pretty much burried Filmfour (Stupid Filmfour producers put a fuckload of cash into it and the film made none back instead of putting money into British flicks).
Yesterday I watched Finding Neverland. I don't know what it is about Peter Pan related movies that always make me cry. Anyway, the acting was excellent, and I loved how Barrie's inspirations were managed (small moments that become something important later on), but I think he was made out to be too good. Or perhaps I'd just kept my image of him as an ancient Michael Jackson for too long.
idari said:
The Village sucked so much that i didn't even bother finishing watching it.

Definitely. M. Night Shymalan is already running out of ideas. He used the colour red as symbolism again. I don't get it.
dargormudshark said:
I saw Constantine last was god awful, now that was bad acting. Every scene special effect scene in there was just to hold the attention of the 16 year olds who go to see it. The script was of the worst movies ever!
seen it too.
I found the main idea not so bad, but I must agree with you on the acting :rolleyes:
Reeves has done better than that :/
Yesterday I saw "Falling down" again. I couldnt remember it at all, and therefore I couldnt remember how bloody amazing it was!!! Some guy marching around getting justice fucking everyones shit up for fucking his shit up. It's beautiful. That film is the most encouraging film as far as violence goes Ive ever seen. It makes me want to put on a shirt and tie and beat some ignorant homosapiens down!
opacity said:
seen it too.
I found the main idea not so bad, but I must agree with you on the acting :rolleyes:
Reeves has done better than that :/

Interesting to witness such a drastic difference of points of view ; I really enjoyed the movie (I never read the comics it comes from), especially when compared to so many failed experiments in this particular branch of cinema.

Reeves is not a good actor, not at all, but I thought it was his best acting I can ever recall.

To each his own I guess, especially as I am very critical of the movies I watch, as I think you are too.
King Chaos said:
Yesterday I saw "Falling down" again. I couldnt remember it at all, and therefore I couldnt remember how bloody amazing it was!!! Some guy marching around getting justice fucking everyones shit up for fucking his shit up. It's beautiful. That film is the most encouraging film as far as violence goes Ive ever seen. It makes me want to put on a shirt and tie and beat some ignorant homosapiens down!

Haha...I agree
Just watched Todo sobre mi madre (All about my mother) and really enjoyed it... I think that if Penelope Cruz would not have acted in anything other than that, ever, I would have a good opinion about her work... but they were all great
Penelope Cruz? Fuck her up the ass with a baseball bat, im not watching anything with her she already ruined vanilla sky/abre los ojos for me.

Last i watched was Smultronstället by Bergman, another amazing movie i love those dream sequences.
yeah she is an annoying bitch, but she was good in todo sobre mi madre
i guess she played the only role she can actually pull off
she wasn't a whore! she was just a terribly stupid and naive girl, the typical sweet innocent and stupid but cute childish woman. so yeah, she can pull that off perfectly.

havent seen Live Flesh, but yeah Talk to her was good... however my favourite is by far Bad Education
Donnie Darko (the director's cut, 20 minutes longer than the original release)
after 5 viewing's in the last few weeks, must say I'm very impressed with this film. It's great
my ques?ion what going on in this film?
dreams, a parallel universe, time travel, or maybe just delusions ???
Or perhaps I've missed it completely?
Blue Moon said:
I think that would only serve to cause more confusion.

The way I see it, although I havn't seen it in a while so I may miss some details; Donny is tempted away from gods path by Frank. All the wierd shit starts happening because Donny is no longer within the realsm of Gods 'plan'... His fear of dying alone is baisically a fear of dying if there is no such thing as god and therefore not going to an afterlife. By Traveling time Donny realises there must be a God because you can jump around on his 'path' (the philosophy of time travel). That's why he laughs before he dies - Because he is going to heaven and all the bad shit that went down is undone.
Donnie is not tempted away by Frank, Frank is one of the Dead...something ( its on the film ) and is there to help donnie restore the normal universe before the paralel temporal universe created by the engine ( and quite possibly even by donnie himself since he was not aware of his own 4th dimensional powers at the time ) colapses and destroys all realities.
I liked Donnie Darko a lot, but the more I thought about the film, the more I have this feeling that this is just another of those "wannabe deep" films, who mix a relatively good story with random nonsense just so that the viewer is left thinking "Woah, that was so deep!" while in fact it's not. I'll watch it again some time though, maybe my opinion changes yet again :p
Is not a wannabe deep films because it doesnt wants to be deep, is rather straightfoward but the director is a moron: this is the cut ( the newly relased director's cut ) that should have made it onto the screen in the first place, instead, his other cut made it which left all the key 'philosophy of mind travel' extracts" out of the movie and in the webpage. I think enough people felt the same way i did, hence the director's cut.

Sometimes is actually good directors do not have final cut.