
MagSec4 said:
I saw "Constantine" yesterday, on opening night :D

And since I hadn't slept for two days at the time, I have absolutely no idea how it was or what it was all about.

I woke up to a few people applauding at the end of it..
I heard it was good..

well I just saw constantine
well nice movie but nothing extraordinary, the story seems to be a mix of END OF DAYS; DOGMA; BLADE.
some good scenes but not the film I expected after the (good) trailer...
the devil here an an gay old man, wearing white clothes and walking without shoes, that was an cool idea.
anyway its horrible to see how hollywood tries to twist and turn around biblic ideas and christian mythology just to have some kind of story where someone saves the whole world( did jesus not that thing 200 years before?)
I think about to stop watching the so called"blockbuster"movies with some big action, monsters, heroes, saving the world or america or whatever-
they are all crap and absolutely no good idea

I watched SIDEWAYS last week, this was a good and funny movie with sympathic characters and a great script.
lightyears better than constantine
hm Batman begins could be nice as I like Memento
I hope it wont be another boring comocadaption like uhu catwoman,electra,constantine and the other boring movies...
I saw 'Lost Highway' tonight. Pretty scary. Usually I enjoy major mind melting movies, but that's when there is some kind of clear resolution. This was just far too hidden. I couldn't get my head around it at all. Mysanthrope... Give me a heads up on what the fuck happened at the end. He left himself the message that we hear at the beginning, making the film totally circular, like unending... but Why did he leave himself the message? And what the fuck was the deal with the "We've met before" guy. He epitomises my worst nightmare for sure.

Anyway, the direction was great. The Cinematography and Mise en Scene was brilliant. Acting top notch and great realistic violence. The appearance of Rammstein on the sound track made me smile also :D. Anyway... I just won't be able to truly admire the film until I find out what happened... and even still, the fact that I couldn't work it out (at all, like, not even a guess) takes some points off it.

Over riding question above all this is, What is it that Pete did that he can't remember and his parents and Girlfriend won't tell him about? Or is that supposed to be totally unknown?
Also, are their any big Lynch fans who know if any other of Lynch's films are set in the same world as 'Lost Highway'?
Almost every Lynch fan has his theory, most of them share alot with what im going to say, although i have my personal spin to it. The young guy ( pete i think ) does not exist. It was just our dear sax player suffering from multiple personalities dishorder, ill expand.

He was a Jazz player in the bar, she meets his "wife". He's jealous over the fact that she hangs out with Dick Laurant and other guys and probably knows she was a porn actress, but fails to think about it or mention it at the beginning of the film cause he is in denial.

Then he has a break down around the time she see's her at the bar the night she said she was "staying home to read", probably making him suspect she was still in touch with her old porn life. He calls home and she's not there, he gets home and we get the impotence thing. Then we first see camera guy: Our hero's ( hehe ) way to deal with his pain of seeing his "wife" as still a porn actress. He films his own "house" and stalks her wife planning on killing her.

Now this might not seem right because, "how can he film himself?". For now, remember that he claims how he likes to remember things his own way. Then he gets lost in his anger and murders his wife, he is "filmed" and goes to jail. He starts getting terrible headaches as he cannot confront what he saw, until he snaps again: now he imagines he is this teen boy, a mechanic.

Mechanic boy goes home after unexplicable incident is not mentioned ( other than the image we see of him on the road and later on the terrible thing that happened that his parents wont tell him about ( the murder of his wife ). Of course even in this elaborate fantasy reality sinks through: he first gets terrible headaches when he hears his former self on the radio, his anger to Dick Laurant also pops in when he makes him out to be this bigshot gangster the cops are after and then finally the girl.

She meets the girl of his dreams, fucks the shit out of her, then we see how Dick Laurant ( who he conveniently made out to be a crazy violent gangster ) is also involved, reality keeps catching up to him when the new girl also makes the "job" she doesnt remembers, only this time she's confronted.

Our hero ( still in the form of a boy ) cannot keep this imaginary world much longer, his girlfriend confronts him, their parents try to confront him but he still cant remember what he has done, he's still pissed off at Dick Laurant in his jealousy, she makes her "ideal" girl/reflection of his "wife" to be a manipulative bitch who tricks him into murder, and when he most wants her she says "you'll never have me".

This throws him over the edge, teen boy fantasy be damned with, he tries to run away from his murdering side " camera guy " but cannot help it and goes for dick laurant. The camera guy also handles dick the tv with his porn films who are now snuff films, he kills laurant, goes to his "home" to warn himself and flees.

Up until the last paragraph it was not that hard to follow, the end however is open to interpretation. Here is my take on it: She was never married to neither girl, he stalked the girl, imagined she was his wife, since she wouldnt give him the time of day and was a porn actress he starts filming his house, he kills her. Like most stalker who confuse obsession with love he feels guilty about it but instead of going for the suicide ( like most stalkers ) he tries to escape to fantasy while still incarcerated and rebuilds his fantasy. In the end the whole thing crashes down on him and he desperately tries to "warn" himself and flee, on the final scene he is probably being executed on the electric chair.

Now im sure you have even more questions
Shit i forgot: Lynch doesnt links his "world" in a coherent way with eastern eggs like for example tarantino, but for the most parts all of his movies on which he was involved in writing the story are really similar. ( with the only possible exception of Wild at Hearth which was written by Barry Gifford, although one can argue that he took a straight highway story and turned it into a surrealistic fairy tale )

If your head is spinning wait a bit before you watch his more esoteric work like Eraserhead or Mulholland Drive, but i recommend Blue Velvet if you want a movie with amazing direction and cinematography, but with a more easy to understand front story yet still in this "strange world" ( because in reality blue velvet is even more complicated, but it has a very easy to see main story )

LAST MOVIE WATCHED: Million Dollar Baby. Clint eastwood atempted something with mystic river, but whatever he atempted he nailed with this movie. Not without flaws ( Clint eastwood shows a very odd insecurity when directing himself, and Morgan didnt need plot devices to really nail the part either ) but definitely great.
Thank you Misanthrope. This has helped me alot actually, or at least I'm a few steps closer to understanding it. See I had some theories, but I kept cancelling them out because of certain things occuring in the movie. I never took into account the "Remember things in my own way" idea. What really threw me off was the cops releasing Pete. If Pete is just the Jazz mans id then I can't work out why the cops are seen having a conversation about how wierd it is that Pete was in the cell, not the Jazz man.

Anyway It's too early to be thinking about it now. I saw Blue Velvet and it was more linear in a narrative sense, but Frank was one of the most fucked up characters I've ever seen in a film. Truly horrifying. And why Geoffrey decides to get involved in the case freeked me out aswell. It's extremely unconventional to have the protagonist as a stalker type, which he clearly is. The one question I have on Blue Velvet is about the Stag beatles scuttering around under the Grass next to where Geoffrey's Dad has a heart attack. What the hell is that Symbolism all about? I thought it was suggesting maybe that under the surface bad shit is stiring, but that's to vague. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks again Misanthrope for the explanantion :kickass:
Misanthrope said:
Here is my take on it: She was never married to neither girl

i share your views on this. i've seen lost highway five or six times already, and many details - while still not exactly adding up - seem to converge towards that idea. i find especially revealing (although of course i'm not sure revealing of what ;)) the scene where pete enters the (hotel?) room upstairs in andy's mansion and alice/renee is inside and says "did you want to talk to me? did you want to ask [falsetto] whyyy? ?"

it's still ambiguous in its possible reference to fred being jealous and losing his temper when (maybe) in the first place he just wanted to be given an explanation, but i'm not so sure that there actually was a murder. my take is that there are just fragments of reality in a general situation of delirium, and i also tend to think that pete is the real guy, not fred. when fred is in jail and he gets seizures, we see a close-up of a human brain that i interpret as the real person's mind resurfacing from its fantasy. the cabin in the desert un-exploding also gives me the impression we are "going back" to a different time and space, to something that has already happened.

the timeline is, obviously, absolutely circular. i don't really think this is supposed to make any narrative sense. at the beginning and at the end of the movie there are two situations of what is without a doubt some severe paranoia: the tapes fred receives document something which is highly suspicious, but there never is any explanation as to what it should be suspicious of (we don't see renee cheating on him. we don't really see her doing anything bad or mean or wrong). likewise, at the end alice does not technically betray pete in any form or way.

i also entertained for a while the rather original idea that the whole movie was, in fact, about dick laurent, which either proves that i'd cling to absolutely anything in order to have it make some sort of perverted sense, or that it's an absolutely awesome film, open to a variety of complicated psychological interpretations. ;)
See, now I'm really glad there isn't one answer to what happened. Now I'll share what I read form the first viewing... although I thought 'I must be wrong' half way towards the end. I thought Pete was The Jazz guy in his Childhood, and He was remembering loads of stuff in flash backs, but it was mega mixed up with the present day. I thought the backward burning beach hut might have been something to do with the mega bad thing He'd done when he was younger that the parents wouldn't tell him about.

Now after reading your interpretations I'd say it might be likely that he never actually left the prison cell and he Just thought about all the other stuff
(pete's story) before He got the Electric chair (in the final scene) for the murder of his wife. The film screws with too many conventions I think. Memento was complicated cos of the backward time line, and Donnie Darko was complicated because of the ambiguity in the statements and all the wierd imagery/events, but these two films, although challenging, were easy to work out with a bit of applied thinking. Lost Highway has no reliably tangible moments. I try to assume what we are offered in the opening is reallity, if only for a second... but its so hard to tell. If anything this movie is genius for managing to break so many conventions in a way that makes the overall presentation almost incoherent, yet still it keeps us guessing.

Tonight, I watch 'Dodge Ball'.
King Chaos said:
Anyway It's too early to be thinking about it now. I saw Blue Velvet and it was more linear in a narrative sense, but Frank was one of the most fucked up characters I've ever seen in a film. Truly horrifying. And why Geoffrey decides to get involved in the case freeked me out aswell. It's extremely unconventional to have the protagonist as a stalker type, which he clearly is. The one question I have on Blue Velvet is about the Stag beatles scuttering around under the Grass next to where Geoffrey's Dad has a heart attack. What the hell is that Symbolism all about? I thought it was suggesting maybe that under the surface bad shit is stiring, but that's to vague. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks again Misanthrope for the explanantion :kickass:

The bettles on Blue Velvet? Thats probably how even in the most perfect house on the most perfect town, we have something horrible hiding in the back.

As for the rest of blue velvet i build my theory based on what lynch said on the comentary. He mentions how the finding of the ear is a symbol for entering " a strange world ". On the final scenes we se Jeffrey's ear. The bettles, or, something incredibly wrong where inside jeffrey's head, and we can see them through his ear, entering a "strange world" inside his mind, Jeffrey = Frank Booth.

This might seem like a far fetched idea but frank was just too fucking evil, he was a reflection of Jeffrey's darkest desires, and Rosellini's character was just his ideal woman: one he could abuse. For the better part of the movie we are just exploring the dark side of Jeffrey representated on all the other characters. At the end we see the robin who is supposed to bring happiness, only is a dissected bird who moves in an unnatural way: not real. Thats just how jeffrey wants things to end.
King Chaos said:
. If anything this movie is genius for managing to break so many conventions in a way that makes the overall presentation almost incoherent, yet still it keeps us guessing.


Mulholland Drive and the entire Twin peaks saga are like this too. Check both.
Thanks for the even more info. I will bare it all in mind when watching the Lynch movies again :)

Tonight I watched Saw. I enjoyed it. A good massacre now and then rarely goes a miss with me. Loved the ending... Mega twisted, although I guessed it at the beginning but Thought, 'it's probably not that'... but it was. Anyway, Uber violent, but not in a distrubing way. The dude cutting his own foot off... hats off to the writers, that hit the G-spot for sure. Also the traps they talk about the killer having set up previously... Bloody demented. Propa good Idea's though.
The acting was utter shite, but apparently it was supposer to be quite hammy.
Shite acting? :zombie: I thought it was good, the biggest problem were the (quite small, admittedly) plot-holes. It is indeed a damn good film though, nice cringe factor when he actually went through with using the saw.
I saw Constantine last was god awful, now that was bad acting. Every scene special effect scene in there was just to hold the attention of the 16 year olds who go to see it. The script was of the worst movies ever!
dargormudshark said:
I saw Constantine last was god awful, now that was bad acting. Every scene special effect scene in there was just to hold the attention of the 16 year olds who go to see it. The script was of the worst movies ever!
Really? ..I seriously did hear a bunch of people applauding at the end when I "watched" it.

'Saw' was very good. Some (but only some) of the acting in certain parts could've been better, but it wasn't bad. Definitely a great film in my opinion.