
A friend and I are the only ones we know (amongst all our families and friends) who've never watched Lost, so yesterday we decided to rent the DVD and we watched the first 4 episodes...

... we still don't get what the big deal is. I guess we'll give the rest a chance, if only because our commentary was fun, but so far it seems like a bunch of unbelievably hot people with flat, clichéd personalities. And the background music is hilarious.

Though this isn't a movie. Ahem.
I watched one Russian film today, it even has not an english name, in translation it would be "peculiar russian haunting".
Funny movie, it´s based on vodka and russian´s mentality.
Highly recommended if you would find it somewhere.
I watched Jarhead this afternoon.. still dont know what to make of it. Not as interesting as I hoped it would be, actually I found it kinda boring
i love gyllenhaal (sp?) therefore i'll be the first in line for jarhead - coming here on feb 17th
I don't know if i've reccommended this film here before, but in case i haven't i will right now:

"The englishman who walked up a hill and walked down a mountain" (okay, i don't know if that's the name in english, but that's my translation from the name in spanish). It's about a disagreement between Wales and England over where the border between the two countries should be. They agree it should be where the mountains end (or something like that), so a group of welsh people (with an englishman among them) decide to turn a hill into a mountain (by making it taller) in order to move the border and make Wales bigger and England smaller. Hilarious, if you ask me.

Another classic.
i just paid 50 pesos to watch The Fog. Don't ever, EVER watch the Fog. Ever. I expected it to be bad but not THAT bad. The Fog destroys relationships and separates people. Don't watch it.
A fog of dead people that kills more people. Utterly boring and pathetic remake of an old classical, b-series, horror movie.