
QRV said:
I saw Munich. Thought it was utter boring crap. Dozens of plotholes, stupid jewish sentimentality, failed to realize what the palestinian side is about, crappy clichéd peace message. And it lasts 3 long long long long long hours. My girlfriend didn't forgive me for taking her to see that piece of shit.


Totally agreed

Today I saw Good Night, And Good Luck which tells the story of an TV presenter's battle against Senator McCarthy at the height of the 'un-American hearings' Thouroughly recommmended, even though it's directed by Cloony, he does an excellent job.
Fredy_Brown said:
Shitty script.

No wonder. That script was written by Ron Hubbard, of all people. And that's the same guy who founded Scientology.

Samuel is the man.
just watched a rip of King Kong with my appartement mate. long movie. but watchable. good entertainement but no new elements in the story( I prefered some kind of Planet of the apes-end. you know the world rules by huge monkeys and they like small white chicks and so on)
^I really liked that movie, can't wait for Peter Jackson's next one.
There's a guy i know who's somewhere among the top ten LOTR fans in existence and would lynch you if you told him the movies were "good Jackson movies". I've heard more negative criticism about the LOTR movies from him than from the rest of the world put together. He still loves them, though.
Whatever. I like the movies and I like the director. If this guy wants to kill me on a matter of opinion, I'll laugh him to death.