
I watched Lord of War a few days back, very hollywoodish but still good. Yuri isnt really a character, a person, he just does his thing, nothing triggers anything in him. Apart from that I really liked the movie
I agree with your opinion or lord of war, I really liked it. It didn't seem all that Hollywood to me. The way yuri seems quite charming and at times we feel comfortable as his audience but then he just does something really fucked up.

Also the "rise up against your corrupt governments" message at the end. Was like "WtF?!"

Tonight I saw "X"... Which isn't even on IMDB for some reason, despite it being an insanely well made anime. Shame the story is pretty boring, as are the fights. But the art/animation is awesome... and to an extent the idea too.
You're only feeling comfortable when you let yourself be carried away by the atmosphere of the film. A friend of mine said he was shown as positive and cool. I dont agree, I think he's cold and unhuman throughout the whole film.
The film doesnt actively take sides, although the message is clear: Yuri is the evil one, but it's not that simple, since he's not the actual problem, the people killed with his guns wouldnt live without him, as someone else would take his place.
That doesnt mean he's any less guilty, but only that the problem lies elsewhere, in the system. The thing I found most fucked up is that you cant draw a clear line. Yuri is selling guns, the consequences of his acts are quite obvious, but what of the people who may not even know they're contributing to the wars? In 5 years or so from now, I may be working as a machine engineer. Who garantuees me the engines I may be working on dont end up in armored vehicles/tanks used to kill people or break international law?
Im sure none of the engineers at Deutz knew their engines were being sold to a ukrainian company only to end up in BTR-3U Armoured Personnal Carriers
Absolutely. It's weird when you see Lord of War, and then watch a film like Hotel Rwanda... That focuses on the effect of it all and doesn't go so much into the politics as to why we don't help, just more the social side of it. But it makes me hate guys like yuri even more so, these massacres exist because of stupid peoples greed.
X 3: The Last Stand trailer was released yesterday or so (watch on What can I say? Mindblowing... mutants are going to war, this time against tehir own kind... promising, very promising! Re-watched the second movie not that while ago, and liked almost everything, except fat-ass uglie Rogue.

UndoControl said:
I'd say Batman is the worst superhero ever, except he's not even a superhero.

Batman is teh best, cuz he has no supernatural powers.

Recently watched The Machinist with Christian Bale and The Jacket with Adrien Brody; two really good movies on my opinion,kinda weird and complicated, dealing with human consciousness and psychology...somewhere in between Hitchcock and Kafka

Oh,and UC: Dealing the criticizing of LOTR movies by LOTR book fans, from my experience, fans mostly criticize movies because they don't follow the books in exact way in which every fan had it already in his head,but that is always problem with movies made from books
KC: X just reminds me of the one person i wish death for. Otherwise, i kind of enjoyed watching it.

Ms. Plintypoo: A superhero is supposed to have superpowers. That's why they're called a superhero. :Smug: Batman sucks bigtime.

Rince: Oh, i know. I don't really agree with that LOTR-criticizing "friend" i was talking about. Of course movies can't be just like the books they're based on. By the way, i'm glad you liked The machinist. I thought it was pretty good. :)
@UC: Yes, but people don't always get it, and you can't expect that, especially with books like LOTR which are so full of details that making a movie exactly based on the book would mean that the movie would last at least 8 hours (every part)...and The Machinist is great, yes ;)
I didn't read all this thread's pages (would have been too long) so I don't know if this have been mention yet...
but I suggest you to watch Grizzly Man, a definitely weird but amazing documentary about a guy who lived with Grizzle Bears for 13 consecutive summers... REALLY wild, you should check it out! :)
If any of you want to see an excellent quebecer movie, go rent C.R.A.Z.Y That's what you call a masterpiece. It's about a young man in the 70s and 80s who struggles with his repressed homosexuality and his father who's an homophobe. Don't get me wrong though, this is not "Brokeback Mountain 2" C.R.A.Z.Y is not only a "look at us homosexuals we are so repressed we want all the attention in the world" movie. It's more serious than that. It depicts with much more depth the psychology of the main character.
RampageSword said:
If any of you want to see an excellent quebecer movie, go rent C.R.A.Z.Y That's what you call a masterpiece. It's about a young man in the 70s and 80s who struggles with his repressed homosexuality and his father who's an homophobe. Don't get me wrong though, this is not "Brokeback Mountain 2" C.R.A.Z.Y is not only a "look at us homosexuals we are so repressed we want all the attention in the world" movie. It's more serious than that. It depicts with much more depth the psychology of the main character.

I agree with you, CRAZY was my #1 film in 2005 I guess... :)
UndoControl said:
Other than being even gayer than you and mardy put together, i don't see what "abilities beyond those of normal human beings" he has.

And it's not Sanchez. It's Nahmad. ;)

Get to know the subject first, and then deny him having those abilities.

Allakh Akbar, Nahmad :zombie:
plintus said:
Get to know the subject first, and then deny him having those abilities.

Allakh Akbar, Nahmad :zombie:
Plintus, are you a muslim? :OMG: (I dunno if you were joking maybe, I haven't followed this thread so much (ok, not at all), but I haven't gotten the impression that you are one, that's why I wonder... :rolleyes: )