
This weekend i watched:

Münich (is it "München" in Germany?): Better than i thought it would be when my brother told me what it was about. I had a good time, and there were some scenes that were pretty nice.

Das experiment (for the second time): I simply love this film. And hearing my girlfriend repeat the coolest dialogues and phrases with her beautiful german accent was priceless (yes, i'm very much in love and not afraid to admit it). :)

The machinist: Way weirder than i thought it would be. But i like weird. *evil grin which will bring back fond (or ugly) memories to whoever has seen "May"* The idea of a schizophrenic who hallucinates and eventually cracks is kind of overused now, but it was still good.
I saw Munich. Thought it was utter boring crap. Dozens of plotholes, stupid jewish sentimentality, failed to realize what the palestinian side is about, crappy clichéd peace message. And it lasts 3 long long long long long hours. My girlfriend didn't forgive me for taking her to see that piece of shit.


Haha, I laughed my ass off.
a good woman is a nice adaptation of one of oscar wilde's lesser known stories, but it has a sappy ending which ruins it.

must love dogs is really fun in a sex-and-the-city way, but only watch it if you're tired and unable to take in anything more serious.

i'm off to decent films later in the week.
Domino - could be better, sick camera work (very unusual and someplaces irritating, and I loved it), but storyline is very poor.

Seinfeld (seasons 5&6) - the rest of the sitcoms of this kind simply sucks (one of the reasons I don't watch TV at all), but this one is funny all over it :)

OZ Season 2 - that's simpply "wow!" - the best TV series, ever! Would get NC-17 in theatres, I guess. Local rentals place strangely doesn't carry Season 3 (only 1, 2, 4 and 5), so I might even end up buying it :cool: Yeah, I'm hooked :D
As for recent movies, I watched The Hostel not too long ago. During the first half of the movie or so, you really wonder why youre watching this movie with people smoking joint (okay) and women with big titties going 'ohhhh, youre so cute'. But after that, it gets pretty heavy!
Cannot love when a guy just cuts off the eye of a japanese girl.. :)

Talking about horror-comedy movies : Braindead and Evildead should be on everyones favorite-list! These movies kick asses!
My favorite sci-fi movie I think about at the moment is Gattaca.. priceless.

And finally, for recent movies again : Capote.
I hope Philip Seymour Hoffman gets an Oscar for that role.
Last movie I've seen is a canadian movie called "Nothing". Mainly, it's about two losers who discover they have the power to make everything disappear by hating what they want ot disappear. It's definitely worth seeing this movie at least once.
I don't have anything against the following kind of people or anything, but i am actually sick and tired of movies dealing with homosexual or mentally challenged people. I've seen more than enough of those, and the only good one was Forrest Gump. Enough with getting-your-self-esteem-up-high-while-the-world-tries-to-get-it-down-low films.
UndoControl said:
Rampage: Why? Doesn't sound too interesting.

It doesn't at first but the whole concept of the movie is very interesting and it's actually quite interesting to see how the movie was able to last 90 minutes and still be good even if they had nothing but two characters to develop on. Because, you see, since they are losers, they pretty much hate everybody and everything so after a time all that's left in existence is themselves.
My favorite movies include, though are not limited to, the following: The Godfather parts 1 & 2, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Star Wars Trilogy (episodes IV-VI), Gladiator, Seven, American Beauty, The Untouchables, Wedding Crashers, Kingdom of Heaven, Napoleon Dynamite, The Last of the Mohicans, Braveheart, The Fugitive, and Silence of the Lambs.
