

Please... I can look at those abs any time in the mirror :D

Technically, Grindhouse is 2 movies (they play director cuts as 2 separate features overseas, in Russia, for instance), but as it's going under one title here - so be it.

Yeah, Grindhouse and Sunshine are worthy enough to ease the wait for teh Pirates!!!1!

BTW, Russians translated Sunshine with a word which literally means "scorching heat" and figuratively - "hell": "пекло" (peklo). Which is meh, but has it's kick to it.

"What... did you see?"

Event Horizon?
Please... I can look at those abs any time in the mirror :D

Please... don't confuse my motives for seeing the movie with Siren's :D

Sunshine I'm up in the air about. It'll either be pretty good, or total filth. Spiderman I'm intrigued by, more as seeing where the next one will go (as Venom is looking pretty cool). Fantastic Four 2 (what, me a comic fan? never...) looks interesting only because the Silver Surfer is great. Not sure if there's anything else I'm waiting to see at this point.

I'm not big into movies right now. Heroes is tiding me over pretty well through BSG's slow spot. It's just too long a wait from week to week.

Spiderman and FF are garbage, the only reason I could see them if I get a rendezvous with that girl and use movies as an excuse... The Last Stand was a piece fo shit as well.

Not too keen on Trainspotting, but 28 Days Later are uber-grim, and [Sunshine] reminds me of Event Horizon, but Boyle is ready to take it to another level, in terms of intensity and gore, I'm sure. Cillian is brilliant, still Breakfast on Pluto kinda put me off (I guess he is genius in that movie, but I'm not sure I'
m willing to be touching it =)

Slowly but surely acquiring taste for old James Bond movies, 80s and those 50 year old sci-fi and horror flicks, but not hyped-up shit like Dracula or Wolfman, something more obscure, but of the era, thus - with preserved atmosphere of b-n-w cinema.

There's a place in Philly called 20 Manning, right around teh corner from me, it's called that way and it is it's address; wonderful food, they carry Hoegaarden, but the best thing is - they play black-and-white movies (yet sound is off) in the bar, including Psycho... yeah, that's where my movie education is coming from =), but I would never find time to watch it [on my own]. And the joint is awesome - comfy lounge, nice public (not semi-retarded college kids in striped t-shirts and baseball caps).

Last Stand was awful, I'll give you that. And I wasn't a big fan of SM2 or FF (the first). Just said I was intrigued :p

Casino Royale really upped my interest in the spy-type flicks as well, though I've always preferred organized crime ones, myself.

And Sunshine looks interesting, but I can't help but think Armageddon every time I watch the trailer. Cillian almost sells it alone for me, after seeing him in Batman and Red Eye (creepiest performance ever...).

Casino Royale really upped my interest in the spy-type flicks as well, though I've always preferred organized crime ones, myself.

And Sunshine looks interesting, but I can't help but think Armageddon every time I watch the trailer. Cillian almost sells it alone for me, after seeing him in Batman and Red Eye (creepiest performance ever...).


Royale was boring shit, I was disappointed. Craig is awesome (go Layer Cake!!! another recommendation if you like Lock, Stock and Snatch), but the plot is shitty as hell. WTF with the poker game? All the action stopped right there! So far most action packed was Die Another Day. Shtill we know who ish she perfect Bond ;)

Batman Returns was another waste of time. These Hollywood comic flicks are pouring like a shit storm. Machinist with Bale was... predictable. I wanna see him in Harsh Times, Rescue dawn is too "epic" for me.

And I'll watch Prestige as soon as I have a chance. Illusionist doesn't do it for me. Pfff.
just watched alpha dog. i loved the eminem song in the soundtrack, but everyone who ever bothered to read any bret ellis novel won't find anything new in the movie. if i understand correctly, the story is actually true. even if it has nothing to do with homosexuality it reminds a bit of boys don't cry, and even if it has very little to do with boneheads it reminds a bit of american history x. it's an entertaining watch if you are, as i am, stuck home with a fever - but it's not all it's cracked up to be, especially because justin timberlake really can't act, and it's a shame to see him next to bruce willis.
Yes, Batman Returns was shit. Batman Begins, on the other hand... :D

I don't know, I thought it was rather well done. Probably the best Batman so far. Of course, if you don't like comic book movies...

Though the Prestige was rather good. And I think that seems to be the general consensus.

Hyena, why am I not surprised by the last bit? :p I had heard mixed things about the movie, so I'll probably wind up not seeing it.

Batman Begins was a fine movie comparing to the newer ones (3 and 4), but total crap anyway. I mean - I didn't like it one bit. Long, boring stuff.

I picked up Season I of Prisonbreak yesterday. Boy, I don't watch TV, but they sure enough have some good shows on there! I was glued to the screen for a several hours last night (took night off), how can one pull off waiting from week-to-week for that - I dunno =)
Or saving many episodes of one for future sittings and playing catch-up in the summer, while letting episodes of another pile up.

I don't know if you get Prison Break dubbed or not, but the lead character can't act.

Yep, that's what I do - I have half of newer Lost on my hard drive (didn't get to it yet), even though I don't wait for summer - I watch them on nights off and on the road to kill time.

I don't know if it's about acting for me, I don't expect much from a TV show, but the guy looks and acts naturally.

This show is better than Oz, which was shocking at first, but got lame soon after. Even kissing dudes didn't do it for me.

on the road to kill time.

What do you mean? I.e., bus drive with a portable dvd-player in your lap; car drive you being the passenger; other...

I don't know if it's about acting for me, I don't expect much from a TV show, but the guy looks and acts naturally.

The story is interesting although unlikely, but him I find unwatchable. Maybe it's just me or his airs (not on the show, in magazines), I don't claim exclusive knowledge of what's good acting. He's certainly slightly... aloof, however.
I know I watch most of my tv on my iPod commuting to work in the morning and afternoon, or on the bus up to Boston. I haven't gotten a chance to see Prison Break at all, yet, but I'll get on that. Someone just recommended the Black Donnellys to me, but seeing as it just premiered on Monday, perhaps I'll wait a while. I don't need more weekly anxiousness to eat me alive.

What do you mean? I.e., bus drive with a portable dvd-player in your lap; car drive you being the passenger; other...

The story is interesting although unlikely, but him I find unwatchable. Maybe it's just me or his airs (not on the show, in magazines), I don't claim exclusive knowledge of what's good acting. He's certainly slightly... aloof, however.

Yes, I take public transportation (train, 1:30 one way when I do gigs in South Jersey), and I'm constantly with a laptop, so, the choice of entertainment is obvious =)

Even though his playing skills might be questioned, I think the majority of the actors were cast properly for their parts, so I don't feel any discomfort. One thing though - he can't pull desperation quite that good in first episodes, but when it's about playing what's called "cool" - he is the man.

The girl is ugly, though (not the med).
Finally, this evening I'm going to watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - I've had it sit on my DVD-player for weeks now, but every time I've tried to start watching it, something urgent has come up. Hopefully not today.

This show is better than Oz, which was shocking at first, but got lame soon after. Even kissing dudes didn't do it for me.

Heh, I haven't seen a single episode of Prison Break, but a friend of mine who watched the first season told me something like: "It is a cleaned up version of Oz: less intense, less intelligent and less interesting, aimed at people who prefer not to think." As I usually trust his reviews I never bothered to watch any of it, but until now I was kind of interested in it anyway. Not anymore. :p

Um, OZ is intelligent... I learn new things every day.

All it had is putting impact on brutality, shocking the viewers with homosexual images and stuff. it is good, I liked it, but because of seasons I grew tired of it (it's repetitive). Especially of that Irish guy. The show IS brilliant, but I needed something else for a change. And if Prisonbreak were the same as Oz - would I be watching it? Don't think so.
As a movie addict myself thought I’d shed some light on my personal movie interests

Lately I’ve been too lazy to go into the movies as I’ve settled in for hunting cheap DVDs or downloading some random ones instead. I got Blade 2 a week ago, which is very cool due to the dark atmosphere that just works for me. I like movies that make me think but depending on the mood some comedies do the trick (especially the Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey & Ben Stiller ones).

I liked Casino Royale a lot, it became my fav Bond film instantly, no more these “martinislurping pretty boys” as agents who save the world again and again. In Casino Royale the Bond character and plot were more mundane and worked really well IMO. Plus Eva Green is hot! :p

Saw Alexander last Sunday. It was a nice movie with cool scenes and interesting storyline (historical movies usually interest me a lot prolly ‘cause I was too lazy to study these things at school) but in the end quite mediocre. I especially didn’t like Angelina Jolie’s role at all, seemed a bit dull.

Most of my fav films:

Pulp Fiction
The Prestige
A Beautiful Mind
The Dark Knight
Shaun of the Dead
Hot Fuzz
There Will Be Blood
Edward Scissorhands
The Big Lebowski
Batman Begins
Fight Club
Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy
Casino Royale
The Machinist
American Psycho

And some tv series I watch on a regular basis:

The Simpsons
My Name Is Earl
Family Guy.

And I can't get the idea of Simpsons: The movie. Well, no wonder after being into Family Guy, usual humor escapes me.

Giggity goo!