
i thought mean girls was good
of course, I took my 9 yr old sister to see it, and had 0 expectations about it being anything else than a typical american teenage film, which is why i was pleasantly surprised

eternal sunshine has grown on me, i didn't like it that much when i first saw it... i still think jim carrey was doing great up to the "baby under the table" part, which sort of ruined the mood imo
just saw butterfly effect. w00t that film is strange. but i understood it and i can't really say that this film is good or bad. it's just average with this strange story and can't be messed with other films. anyone with me?
btw: i wouldn't have expected a happy ending and i think it really sucks for this movie.
'Series 7, the Contenders' just watched the DVD
about a reality show, 6 contenders are selected by lottery,
assigned cameramen, armed with guns, and forced to battle it out
battle it out by killing one another on TV.
The last one standing advances to the next episode
and a new round of contenders -
I saw ring 2 few days ago.
it was nice. some cool and creepy scenes!
this kid Aidan is fuckin' annoying!!!
I enjoyd it, but I liked the first movie more.
Lethe85 said:
I saw ring 2 few days ago.
it was nice. some cool and creepy scenes!
this kid Aidan is fuckin' annoying!!!
I enjoyd it, but I liked the first movie more.

Now Im intrigued. Most people have disliked it so far, and I really really want to like it. Hideo Nakata's first hollywood flick is a remake of his own films sequel of somebody elses remake of his own first. Apparently (according to numerous reviews) Hideo's presence in the film is lack-luster and the film has turned out as naught but Hollywood garbage. I hope this isn't true.
I found it simply incoherent. A lot of things just don't make sense. It's definitely a hollywood movie in the sense that it's some sequel that was forced and is very different from the first (in terms of plot) and they didn't even try hard to reconcile the story to make it make sense with the first one.
But it definitely does have a couple of great scenes.
if it's incoherent and doesn't make sense, then it must be japanese-like and therefore similar to the original
japanese horror movies tend not to make much sense
can't wait to see it
did i ever mention "anime" in that post? or japanese film in general? no. i said japanese horror movies, and what i meant was that they don't really go into much detail or give explanations as to why things happen. in my experience this is a characteristic i've seen in other japanese horror films (and not necessarily a problem) in which they don't need to overexplain everything like american horror movies tend to do. a fine example of this is the movie uzumaki. the ring series, as far as i know, is considered as pretty confusing also, so if the american remake doesnt make much sense either, i don't think that can be considered as a fault. then again, i haven't seen anything from that series besides ringu and the ring.

also i've been to japan, studied japanese for 9 years, have taken university level classes on japan's popular culture (in which anime and japanese horror was discussed in detail, amongst other things), and have many japanese friends, so i think your accusation of my stereotyping is invalid

on the other hand you're being pointlessly agressive, maybe you should try to find a better outlet for all your anger and frustrations than resorting to unprovoked and over the top bitching

though if insulting strangers online does it for you, go ahead, i just won't bother to reply anymore as it seems you can't discuss your point of view calmly
Hitori said:
did i ever mention "anime" in that post? or japanese film in general? no.

So? You're the one that has stereotypes about japanese people, first of all your a stinking fucking brownskin like me and you should know better, second, it is not my job to find out what stereotypes you use and what do you discard.

i said japanese horror movies, and what i meant was that they don't really go into much detail or give explanations as to why things happen. in my experience this is a characteristic i've seen in other japanese horror films (and not necessarily a problem)

Yes just like all movies about the mob are about killing people, all movies about zombies are cheesy and stupid, etc. Watching movies with preconceptions about genres is as stupid as people telling you all metal is just noise, write that in your stupid bullshit fanzine.

in which they don't need to overexplain everything like american horror movies tend to do. a fine example of this is the movie uzumaki. the ring series, as far as i know, is considered as pretty confusing also, so if the american remake doesnt make much sense either, i don't think that can be considered as a fault. then again, i haven't seen anything from that series besides ringu and the ring.

So you havent seen much of them to begin with? Thanks for further proving my point.

also i've been to japan, studied japanese for 9 years, have taken university level classes on japan's popular culture (in which anime and japanese horror was discussed in detail, amongst other things), and have many japanese friends, so i think your accusation of my stereotyping is invalid

I think only a retard would consider any of those reasons valid to prove how you do not judge people based on culture, all of that is irrelevant you could still be a dumb prejudging bitch just as i suspect you are.

on the other hand you're being pointlessly agressive, maybe you should try to find a better outlet for all your anger and frustrations than resorting to unprovoked and over the top bitching

Ive been bitching and attacking people on this boards probably before you even knew DT had a forum, you're gonna tell me what to do?

Ill let you down easy seeming you are concerned about aggresiveness, ill show you more about my modus operandi: you can shut the fuck up at any time you want and i will stop replying. If you keep replying i will do so too, no matter how many times you do, even if it takes several days and pages.

The choice is yours.

though if insulting strangers online does it for you, go ahead, i just won't bother to reply anymore as it seems you can't discuss your point of view calmly

So anyone who doesnt sweet talks you or talks in a calm matter is automatically wrong by default right? Amateur. Maybe you should just accept that after you promptly replied with your little rant about films you apparently dont know shit about you thought about preparing your way out of the way of mean Misanthrope.
Woah misanthrope, why so crazy?

It's quite true that the famous Horror films coming from the orient have been more complex and filled with ambiguity than Hollywood horror movies. The narrative is far more readerly and because the directors, such as Hideo Nakata and Takashi Shimizu, are traditionally arthouse directors, they are going to make their films intellectual.

Uzumaki was a good example too. It's difficult to comprehend whats going on in that film, and as a result it becomes quite difficult to understand it. Bangkok Haunted aswell has a pretty ambiguous ending. My brother read it totally different to the way I did, thus its fair to say eastern horrors are generally ambiguous.
So you are saying ALL orient horror films are like that? If you go in to watch an orient horror film do you expect exactly that? This is as stupid as the people who hated The Village just because they expected a horror film: The people who make a film do not choose where to live, and because of people like you who make broad generalizations their film gets put in a label before its even out for public comsupmtion.

Thats just moronic, and the reason why i lashed out at that dumb fucking whore is because she had similar thoughts about the village then goes around and prejudges an entire country's genre for the errors of a few popular films. Thats bullshit hollywood thinking right there and one of the main reasons is so hard to find good original movies nowdays.
Hitori said:
also i've been to japan, studied japanese for 9 years, have taken university level classes on japan's popular culture (in which anime and japanese horror was discussed in detail, amongst other things), and have many japanese friends, so i think your accusation of my stereotyping is invalid

Hi!!! only now i see why u could speak japan so well once; that ''studied japanese for a some time'' turned out to be a time period for 9 (!) years.... great!!!!:Spin:
Misanthrope said:
So you are saying ALL orient horror films are like that?

It's a convention which is exploited in all the oriental horror films I've seen. All have deep symptomatics and such... something eluded in most (not all) hollywood horror films.

The reason "confusing elements" show through particularly in Japanese horror movies is of course, part due to the culture clash. Im not going to deny that I grew up on hollywood films, so when I got into more arthouse films it was foreign in more than one sense. But still, Miike Takashi will even admit he didn't intend certain moments to hold narrative meaning or to represent anything in any kind of social context. Just like Hideo Nakata was looking forward to seeing how people reacted to the ending of Dark Water, not just because it is shit scary, but because it critiques motherhood symptomatically and is without a doubt confusing. You can bet money that the ending will be heavily altered in the Walter Salles remake, because its too deep for mainstream audiences.
Misanthrope said:
Very interesting but you didnt answer the question, are you positive ALL OF THEM are like that?
I'm not possitive they are all like that, as I haven't seen all the Horror films; and as some producers will defy conventions (and I'm pretty sure the readerly approach is fairly new to the Horror genre anyway, so movies pre-dating 1999ish may contradict mine and hitori's observations). But from my own experience, I'd say leaving the audience guessing/confused at the end of the movie is certainly becoming almost traditional, especially in the sudden wave of eastern horrors.

Ringu was the turning point (apparently) even though that's one asian horror film which makes sense. Although, at the end the protagonist is taking the copied tape to show to her father, who is found dead in 'Ring 2'. Why would she do this? It's a deep theme hidden in alot of eastern films which is particularly relative to chinese culture in co-ordance to father daughter relationships. I dont understand this theme fully, but you might be able to read up on it or just watch oriental films and note the odd father daughter relations which are present in most of the great oriental auteurs productions.