
saw 300 when I was in FL earlier this year
the DVD comes out tuesday, I'll the get 2 disc special edition version -

I rented it last night on DVD: the store gets DVDs for sale and rent on Thursday and puts them out. Host wasn't available though.
The Host

It had a great start but by the middle it all became a boring mess. It's sad because it could have been a really good movie: it had pretty good special effects, a fine direction, nice action scenes, ordinary people as protagonists, a surprising balance between drama and comedy... but it was utterly boring and slow-paced. When the final climax comes, I'm so turned off I just don't care about it. Besides, they came up with a dozen predictable clichés there.

And the whole political/virus thing was rather stupidly managed. Could have done without it.
The Simpsons Movie
Watch one of the new seasons, pick the "best" parts for each character and
you have this movie. Nothing but an extended episode.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry
What could I say, not funny comes to mind and I think I leave it at that.
Makes only sense this was #1 in US last week, they got no taste after all.
^ has good taste just saw 2 US made movies -

Hey, at least I know they are shit when I see them ;)

Which brings me to my next victim:

Rush Hour 3
SMs capsule review: piece of shit.
I think I might have laughed like once during the movie, which is very sad
since the first one was pretty damn funny, second one was also fairly ok,
but man, this one was a stinker.
Smokin' Aces
Finally something that wasn't a smokin' pile of crap.
Not a perfect movie, but kept me entertained thru it well enough.
I felt it was lacking a bit on the action as from the beginning I was expecting
a bit more of it.
The ending was a bit of a downer, but I saw it coming about the first mention
of Heller and it's not anything I can't live with.
Jeremy Piven was trying too much to channel Al Pacino.
Saw Inland Empire yesterday. I havent seen anything from Lynch except Wild at Heart and Blue Velvet. I guess I should have, so that I wouldve been better prepared. IE is heavy, thick and dark. Im not sure yet what the film is the metaphor of, but all the usual ingredients are there: a total deconstruction of character or ego, several time layers, metafiction (a movie within a movie within a movie...), horror. And Laura Dern, of course.
I watched Children of Men a while back. I found the atmosphere amazing, very intense, very credible.. the beginning was generally very well done. It had cool characters and stuff.. but once the story began unfolding, it was a huge let down. Why is the second resistance leader in league with the bandits and has his boss assassinated, instead of uniting both factions to be able to make a point?
There's a break in the movie from which point onwards, nothing makes sense anymore.. the pregnancy, the boat.. the secret society they're looking for.. the movie is sinking in such a torrent of bullshit it's incredible.
It's very sad really, because the potential was enormous
One of the most impressive things I've seen in a movie recently was how that long, action-packed, scene towards the end was done in a single unbroken shot. The director of Children of Men gets major kudos for that.
I watched Der Untergang (the downfall?) with a friend a week ago or so. That movie has got to be one of the best WW2 movies ever made. Bruno Ganz plays Hitler perfectly, and manages to portray him as a human being rather than a bdsm-inclined, morphine-digesting lunatic. The movie doesn´t revolve around the fighting (the battle of Berlin), but rather what happend in Hitlers bunker the last two weeks, leading up to his suicide and Germany´s surrender. A lot of the script has been based on interviews with people that were in the bunker, above all with his secretary, Traudl Junge. A really interesting and authentic film about the nazi leadership and some of the people that constituted it.
Speaking of WWII movies (And yeah "Der Untergang" was good) has anyone seen "The Thin Red Line"?
I'm curious to know what other people thought of it. I know it was acclaimed for different things, and maybe it was the mood I was in when I saw it, but ...I hadn't wanted my precious time back as I did at the end of that for a long time.
last night i decided i would be light-hearted and watched meet the parents. the line about spray-painting a cat had me in fits of giggles, which proves i am stupid. and i actually spent half of the movie thinking about how good de niro looks with that haircut.
Speaking of WWII movies (And yeah "Der Untergang" was good) has anyone seen "The Thin Red Line"?
I'm curious to know what other people thought of it. I know it was acclaimed for different things, and maybe it was the mood I was in when I saw it, but ...I hadn't wanted my precious time back as I did at the end of that for a long time.

i liked it. don't remember it well enough to go into details, though.
Hot Fuzz
Boy was this ever a disappointment, Shaun Of The Dead being one of my big
favorite comedies I was expecting something really funny, unfortunately I
didn't get it. It seemed to work like a slasher spoof, except without the fun.
If you like Shaun Of The Dead and think this might be good, spare yourself.

I found it to be the funniest film I've seen in a long, long time. I'd say it's more a piss-take on your average American cop-movie rather than a slasher spoof, though. Maybe it's because I'm living in the UK that I find the humour really hits home, but the whole thing is just so ridiculously... British. It's great. I shop in Somerfield, and the thought of an epic battle taking place in my local branch made me have to fight to keep the laughter back every time I went in there after having seen the film. They do have their fair share of yarrrrp-employees...

Mags, I rather liked The Thin Red Line, but you do need to be in the right mood to watch it. My friend loved it so much that she read the book, and apparently they cut out a lot of scenes with gay sex in the film. A lot. For WWII dramatisations, however, Band of Brothers and Der Untergang are probably my all-time favourites. Followed closely by Das Boot.
Yes, I had a feeling I wasn't exactly letting it all in when I was watching it. I did notice that there were a lot of poetic and meaningful aspects to it that I guess I didn't care to absorb at that particular time.
"Das Boot", on the other hand, I did like very much. ..come to think of it, that movie was also very long and might easily be dismissed away by anyone watching it at the wrong time/mood.
Saw Beowulf last night. Digged it. The animation wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but it was fine, and story had a good amount of substance. After all, Neil Gaiman and Roger Avary wrote the screenplay, so I was expecting nothing less on that department.
last night i decided i would be light-hearted and watched meet the parents. the line about spray-painting a cat had me in fits of giggles, which proves i am stupid. and i actually spent half of the movie thinking about how good de niro looks with that haircut.

So you have a thing for mature men with flaccid bellies. Who would have thought that?

I actually thought that movie was ok, for what it was anyway. which proves i am also stupid.
Just got one of the best TV shows ever in it's entirety (#4 is in transit) :D


Can't wait for next Tuesday: Pirates and Superbad are coming out (picking up on Blu Ray); Superbad is clearly one of the best movies of the year... well, one of the reasons is cuz I spent my time in the theatre not really watching it... but still :heh: