MP3 organizing/tagging

Genres are also a pain when it comes to music cataloging. I never liked how the ID3v2 standard doesn't really have a standardized way of specifying multiple genres because so many bands I listen to are hard to pin down to one genre for me.

I just list like

Folk Metal
Viking/Folk Metal
Folk/Black Metal
Pagan Black Metal
2nd Wave Black Metal
Raw Black Metal
Melodic Black Metal
and Winamps library will find anything that mentions Folk if that's what I want, or metal, or viking specifically, etc.
Yeah, well I like it like's how I've been sorting downloaded music for 4+ years now, so I don't see the necessity to change it. I also use Soulseek, and the user list system is best viewed when you have a branching organization system like mine. Makes it easier for everyone.

Is Soulseek free?
I have my library organized Title-Artist-Album-Genre-Country-Year-Play Count-Last Played.

For example, what I'm playing right now:

Dominus Sathanas - Burzum - Aske - Black Metal - Norway - 1993 - 3 - 11/18/08 10:40 PM
Yes. Torrents are better though. Soulseek might find you more obscure stuff, but odds are if it's somewhat well known (think about as well known as Darkthrone) you will be able to find at least a few albums, if not a discography, on You gotta download utorrent and install it and open the file from with utorrent.

Rule of thumb: More seeders = more better. No seeders means you probably won't be able to download it.

@ Alter.
Yes. Torrents are better though. Soulseek might find you more obscure stuff, but odds are if it's somewhat well known (think about as well known as Darkthrone) you will be able to find at least a few albums, if not a discography, on You gotta download utorrent and install it and open the file from with utorrent.

Rule of thumb: More seeders = more better. No seeders means you probably won't be able to download it.

@ Alter.

I had bittorrent but it took forever so I just use blogs now, but I buy for the most part.
I agree; frankly though I've used DC++ to just host files from my main computer, while using another account (on another computer) that was added to my friends list so only I could download my own music. Pretty good system since I didn't like having remote desktop active.

Here is an example of how my system is set up:
I agree; frankly though I've used DC++ to just host files from my main computer, while using another account (on another computer) that was added to my friends list so only I could download my own music. Pretty good systm since I didn't like having remote desktop active.

The new Winamp actually supposedly has functionality to stream music to remote locations (basically like what you could previously do with the horribly counter-intuitive Shoutcast server). I say supposedly since I've neither looked at nor tested this. But it sounds like a neat feature. Quoted from the Winamp website:

Access and Share Your Music and Videos On the Go

Winamp Remote turns your home computer into a streaming server and play your music and videos on the go from any PC web browser, compatible cell phones, and TVs with a connected Wii, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3. Also, share and discover music and videos with friends. Get Your Music and Videos, When and Where You Want. Go Mobile with Winamp Remote here or launch the Media Library and check out Remote Media.
Yeah it's still has skin support. But I'm guessing since they did a complete UI overhaul the old skins will probably not be compatible with it anymore. One of the default skins that comes with is pretty nice though. You can see it in the main image on

It is a major new revision so I'm sure there will be some issues with it but I've not run into any so far and am actually really pleased with it. And to me the new UI is a definite improvement over the old one.

Downloading now!

BTW Re: SLSK, I have always hated torrents because it requires too many extra steps.
BTW Re: SLSK, I have always hated torrents because it requires too many extra steps.

The reason I like torrents is because usually it's faster than stuff like Limewire. Besides, all you have to do is download the torrent (instant), and open it in a program to start downloading, and that's it. While you're downloading, it'll also upload the data of what you're downloading so other people can download it as well.
Soulseek is just a free program with chat and file sharing capabilities. It's really fucking easy to use, you search something and double click it to download it to the folder you set downloads to go to. If you want a whole album that's listed, you right click and go to "Download Containing Folder" and the whole thing automatically gets sorted into a subfolder of the "unsorted" one you designate for d/ls. So simple.

Also I got the new Winamp running so here it is (and my sexy iGoogle homepage):


Yeah, I know it's not flashy...but I hate that fucking album cover stuff iTunes has...just more resource hogging. If I wanna see the cover I'll go to M-A or Google Images. And those images take up disc space (not that much unless they are really good quality high-res scans, but still).
Black means there is no line, gray means other people are waiting in line. On one of the columns of gray files, you'll see "In queue" and numbers below that. Those numbers indicate how many people are currently in line for that file or folder. Obviously, you don't want a line, so stick with the files in black. If you have no other choice, you might have to wait in line (be "Remotely Queued") until you are up front. You can quickly check your place in line by going to the Transfers tab, highlighting anything that says it's queued, right-clicking, and hitting "Get place in line". Also, on the bottom of the Transfers tab, make sure "Auto Resume" is on. Otherwise if you leave your comp on at night waiting to d/l things you're in line for, they won't start when you get to the front unless you manually right-click and hit "Retry".

Hope that was helpful. If you have any more problems, shoot me a message on SLSK, my name is Reqviem. You can add my name by going to View > View Userlist, right-clicking the new column/row that appears, clicking "Add User" and typing that (case-sensitive). Then just double-click me and there I am ready to talk to :)