I had bittorrent but it took forever so I just use blogs now, but I buy for the most part.
I have a 500GB drive mostly just for music using the ArtistAlbumTrack## TrackName system.
ur gai
*edit* at Mathias
Black means there is no line...
fuck, you're so patient, I'd have sent him the FAQ lol
another thing worth knowing
let's say you want to find To the Nameless Dead by Primordial.
Your search results will vary depending on what you put in
for some reason I've always found SLSK to hate dashes...
if you search "Primordial - To the Nameless Dead" you wont get as good results as if you searched "Primordial To the Nameless Dead", and it's usually worth searching "To the Nameless Dead" even just "Nameless Dead" or "Primordial" on their own, just run multiple search windows.
same thing with the wishlist, give it multiple variations (I've put artist, album, song title, in there, and sometimes artist results come up, sometimes the song in that album, but it didn't give me the whole album too like it should have, etc.
Also, I put the country of origin in parentheses after the artist because metal is such an international genre and sometimes I just want to be able to listen to music from a specific country. I also live in the Global Living and Learning Center residence hall on my campus, so other students in the building can access my playlist and search by country as well..
On iTunes there is a field where you can add the year it was released. If you want to add that to what is displayed at the top, right click the grey bar where it says Name, Time, Artist, Album etc. and click Release Date from the menu.I use iTunes because I like the way it organizes everything. I have my playlist arranged alphabetically by artist and chronologically by release year. I don't actually know if there's a more practical way to do this within the program, so I had to resort to putting [xxxx] before each album title, where xxxx = year. Another thing that I really like about iTunes is that it's so easy to edit multiple tracks at once. Just highlight the songs you want and push CTRL + i.
Also, I put the country of origin in parentheses after the artist because metal is such an international genre and sometimes I just want to be able to listen to music from a specific country. I also live in the Global Living and Learning Center residence hall on my campus, so other students in the building can access my playlist and search by country as well.
In fact, we're required to attend international themed events as part of the one credit course that we're required to take for each semester that we live there, and I've been thinking about putting together a "Death Metal Around the World" presentation.
I copied you with this and it's really coolI put the country of origin under the "Grouping" category and have it display. I recommend this practice.