Mr. V and drug use?


groove junkie
Feb 11, 2006
So does Mr. V use mind altering drugs like pot, acid, or shrooms?:puke:

I am against the use of drugs. And I for one would like to think that he doesnt use any of that foolish stuff, and rather that he gets his creativity directly from a sober mind.
I do not think Mr V is on, or doing drugs but their are many musicians that use drugs for creative purposes like writing lyrics, music etc....Things like pot and alcohol are very common, but shrooms makes you kind of loose it for awhile. Acid is not very good for th4 mind unless you like to loose it for awhile, so I don't trust man made drugs.
Yeah, just what I wanted to say. It does not matter what Mr V. does in his freetime or while composing. There is great music out there evolved from taking drugs even classical. But there are also awesome musicians who never took drugs.

I don't care and you should as well...
If you dissect the lyrics of Vintersorg and Otyg, you find countless references to drugs; alcohol primary.

To take a few examples:

In Hednaorden we hear "Och styrka till sinnet av mjödets sötma" (And strengthened to the mind by the mead's sweetness), and from Hednad I Ulvermånen "Mot stjärnprakt höjs nu mjödfyllda stop" (Meadfilled stoups are now risen towards the star's glory).

In both Fimbulfolket and Trollslottet, the lyrics tell about "glömskebrygden" (the brew of oblivion), obviously refering to black-outs caused by alcohol.

The line "Med törsten av gravölets rus" (With thirst for the grave-beer's inebriation) from I Trollberg Och Skog can only be intepreted as the cravings and withdrawal symptoms of an alcoholic.

In Gygralock, with the line "Nu hjälpen blott vändelrot och tidebast" (Only valerian root and february daphne can help now), he goes on to other drugs. Valerian root is, as we know, a sedative drug, and daphne is highly poisonous.

And in that vein it goes on. Culminating in Blåkullafärden, where the entire lyrics tell about a big shindig, where alcohol and other drugs doubtlessly flow freely.

Alcohol has always played a large part in both mythology and "metaphysical explorations and extrapolations" if I may call it that. Heck, alcohol plays a large part in about every culture on Earth, through all the ages.

Sex, drugs and religion. The 3 oldest topics in mankind's book. (no, not sex drugs and rock'n"roll, unfortunately)
Alec Walter Conway said:
Don't mean to be rude here but

That ain't your business.


Yea I know its not my business, but it never hurts to ask. Besides, I always like to know if the music I've come to love has been the product of mind altering drug use or not. It makes a difference to me.

Oh, and throughout years of regrettful drug use...I have come to the conclusion that alchohol doesn't go in the same category as pot, shrooms, heroine, or acid. :lol:
George said:
I can't imagine Mr. V as a "stoner" considering how productive he's been.
Yea I dont think a stoner could handle all those projects...maybe a cokehead could though.
Alec Walter Conway said:
Alcohol has always played a large part in both mythology and "metaphysical explorations and extrapolations" if I may call it that. Heck, alcohol plays a large part in about every culture on Earth, through all the ages.

Sex, drugs and religion. The 3 oldest topics in mankind's book. (no, not sex drugs and rock'n"roll, unfortunately)

Same for me. Alcohol is very good :kickass: but when it came play live/ recording I think it's better be sober. Anyway after a good show nothing is better than a lot of beers and SEX with a goodlooking girl :heh:
ErikSL said:
have come to the conclusion that alchohol doesn't go in the same category as pot, shrooms, heroine, or acid. :lol:

I'd class alcohol and pot in the same category. Personally.

If its 100% natural and consumed intelligently and responsibly, I don't see a problem in making absorbtion of a substance a personnal choice.

This also leads me to classify cigarette in the same bunch as heroin and cocain. All chemical crap.
It seems many told me that when they play live they love to be high because they say it enhances your live performance, don't know if they say so to be wannabe or whatever but I don't know if you can play a guitar-hero solo while completely stoned
I'm not all for pot or anything but this is a pretty interesting musical quote "And what comes from the earth is of the greatest birth" - Ben Harper.
The Minds Eye said:
I'm not all for pot or anything but this is a pretty interesting musical quote "And what comes from the earth is of the greatest birth" - Ben Harper.
You know, cocaine also comes from the earth. The coca plant.
amf said:
You know, cocaine also comes from the earth. The coca plant.

The world's best calculator could'nt count the amount of chemical transformations the actual plant goes through before being actual "cocaine".

Following your train of thought we could say that plastics are 100% natural since they come from oil and oil is natural.

Doesn't work that way lol.

Coca is natural. Cocaine is chemical.

HUNDRETH POST!!! huzzah!
hmm.. but Opium is natural as well and it can cause long-time paranoia...
Or smoking angel trumpets... it does not make you an addict but it is more than dangerous. I recently read about someone who cut off his penis while stoned. :ill:

You can not generalise that everything not synthetic is safe or less dangerous.
Alec Walter Conway said:
The world's best calculator could'nt count the amount of chemical transformations the actual plant goes through before being actual "cocaine".

Following your train of thought we could say that plastics are 100% natural since they come from oil and oil is natural.

Doesn't work that way lol.

Coca is natural. Cocaine is chemical.

HUNDRETH POST!!! huzzah!
Yes, let us not forget the terrible fate of those poor souls who died trying to snort scorpions.
darcy said:
Yes, let us not forget the terrible fate of those poor souls who died trying to snort scorpions.


I can imagine the scene in my mind, it must be quite a sight to behold.

**Mr John Smith, died on august 2nd when a scorpion stung him inside his nasal cavity. How the beast got there is still unexplained. May his soul rest in sneeze.
so what if the music is created under the influence or not. Caffiene is just as much of a drug as Marijuana, Alcohol and Shrooms. They all alter the mind and body in one way or another, some of them just happen to be illegal in most parts of the world.

Are you a fan of Vintersorg for the music, or for "Mr. V"'s personal habits? Music is music, regardless of how its created. Once it's been written, it is a work of art that can be appreciated for what it is, or dismissed.