Mr. V and Vortex


Mar 14, 2006
Near Mountains
In some interviews, Mr, V said he was talking with Vortex to do something together, or to invite him to colaborate in a Vintersorg album.

anyone knows something about it?
In some interviews? Got any links there, buddy? I've never heard of that:/

The Interview that I'm talking about is in spanish, was made by a magazine from argentina.

In that interview Mr V was talking about his musical evolution, the creation process of VFTSG and TFB, other proyects (like fission and cronian) and the Borknagar experience.

Mr. V said: "I was talking with Simen about to make some music together, like a new proyect or a colaboration in a Vintersorg album (solens rötter or any other in the future).

"simen is a very talented singer and composer... I like the way he compose music and his job with Borknagar (mostly quintessence) and arcturus. Right now is very busy with the Dimmu tour and I'm very busy too, with the cronian, borknagar and my own band work, but when both of Us got some time we'll do something, at least I'm very exited about that"

something like that
i believe a collabo between the two would kick ass.

but i also believe that the interviewer was interviewing an imaginary Mr. V.

who knows though? sounds cool. get Garm in on it while they're at it.
Yeah but these interviews seem really old?:D I don't understand the language, but the discography mentioned in it made me think it was at least 4 years old...
Yeah but these interviews seem really old?:D I don't understand the language, but the discography mentioned in it made me think it was at least 4 years old...

the first one is 3 years ago (2 and half) and the other one is 3 years ago.

the other things i read in magazines from 2005 and 2006

if you want to translate to english, use the translating tool in :rofl:DDD

I Hope Mr V releases Solens Rötter soon... with or without ICS Vortex
Oh thanks for the tip, I'll give it a shot:) WE'RE ALL WAITING FOR SOLENS RÖTTER:/ Where the heck is mr. V!?:/ He's really been gone awhile now...
Just bumping this thread a bit. Would be nice if maybe mr. V could shed some light on this.:loco:

I just got back home from the studio last night..just some small adjustments and then Solens Rötter will be completed..but then the album layout, it'll take some time until it'll be out.

Regarding Siemen...I talked to him about doing some vocals on VFTSG and he was very positive to it but that then Dimmu got on the road and it kind of just didn't work out timewise. But he's a great vocalist!!

mr V