Mr V

I'd have to join army, but I refused army service and instead do social work :)

I habe NO intention to hang around doing nothing just cause I have to... nor do I have the wish to give a part of my life (and perhaps my whole life...) to a state that I have no respect for, or fight for some stupid cause.
Originally posted by Devy_Metal
whats wrong with your life DWD ? :(

It's just so frusterating watching all the people, and hearing about how much fun they're having while I'm at home. It happens too much, and I just feel... Gone. It hurts so much, and I'm trying to change things. And the girl I like a lot, well, she has a boyfriend, and so I'm now trying to go out with this other girl, and I talk to her on the phone... But I saw something someone said about her, and well... I just couldn't take it. This song goes great with my feelings...
I just found out that life is much cooler without a girl.
So now I'm just gonna do all the shit I wanna do!!!!!!!!

Grow long hair and lots of beard and party whenever I wanna,
go wherever I wanna. So don't worry, DWD ;)

i know it's like man. girls can do that to you. the power the can put a man under is really amazing.

At college I met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. Brown hair, green eyes, beautiful smile, beautiful personality. The first woman I have ever met that honestly took my breath away. I talked to her once...I had her in one of my classes, but things didnt really work out the way I played them in my head a thousand times. I havent seen her since...I only got her first name, Lauren. School has long since ended, and chances are I will never see her again. *sigh*

Truly depressing. But, I still think about her every day.
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
I'd have to join army, but I refused army service and instead do social work :)

I habe NO intention to hang around doing nothing just cause I have to... nor do I have the wish to give a part of my life (and perhaps my whole life...) to a state that I have no respect for, or fight for some stupid cause.

haha... i have been in the army here and i must say that it was somewhat of a waste of some years of my life....but i must admit it did teach me quite a bit all in all....and DWD i think most everyone has experienced what you are going "Friends" recently started acting quite strange towards me lately and i have not spoken nor seen them in about a month...this includes my "best friend" that i have known for around 10 or so years...i figure people change and shit happens...
you cannot control it no matter how hard you try anyhow...and life is to short to worry with what others do...i have to many things to worry with as it regardless if they are or were my friends at one point...fuck them....if they want to be around me fine...if not ...that is fine as well...because each chapter of your life that closes only opens a new one....
Originally posted by Morgana
Of course, they are able to go out to club, etc... but they never can have a real social life

For some people, that's what they want. I had a flatmate a year ago who was in the Army Rangers (Special Forces) for 3 years ago, and he did all sorts of crazy stuff... never spent more than a couple nights with a girl, and so on. He's not much different now, except that he's been out of the Army for 5 years. He got married 6 months ago, but there are many of us who won't think it'll last too long...
When I was still living with my family, I didn't has probs.
I could always listen to the music I like and at the age of 7
my walls where full with posters of my faves.
Hehehe, my mum's friend's oldest son got me all of them.
I never heard any bad comment of my mom. Always been cool,
later I often took her with me to the local pub, so she could see
where my bro, sister and me were hanging out.
My friends always thought that this was cool and they actually always invited my mum to their parties as well.
My stepdad joined us on parties as well, sometimes :p
He is not that much into parties & pubs.
They were the first ones I told about my tattoo, etc...
all they said was: It's your body and you have to know what you want to do with it!
Originally posted by Legio Mortis
and DWD i think most everyone has experienced what you are going "Friends" recently started acting quite strange towards me lately and i have not spoken nor seen them in about a month...this includes my "best friend" that i have known for around 10 or so years...i figure people change and shit happens...
you cannot control it no matter how hard you try anyhow...and life is to short to worry with what others do...i have to many things to worry with as it regardless if they are or were my friends at one point...fuck them....if they want to be around me fine...if not ...that is fine as well...because each chapter of your life that closes only opens a new one....

Well, you and I have different opinions on this subject then.