Mr. V's tattoo?

hmm so you were 15 then, and you've been using that shit for a half of your life... do your teeth look anything like this picture? :eek:

Yes, I think I was 12 the first time I tried it. But didn't start for real until I was about 16 or so.

Hehe, no my teeth are in very good shape actually. What Tobz didn't point out, is that there's a HUGE difference wether you use snus in a "pouch" or if you use it "clean" ->

I've used the pouch the entire time and I think that has been somewhat forgiving to my teeth.
I was scrolling down this thread and read anus instead of snus... twice! Has porn distorted my perception of reality? *sigh*
Djöfull;9728830 said:
I was scrolling down this thread and read anus instead of snus... twice! Has porn distorted my perception of reality? *sigh*

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disgusting! :yuk: how come the whole lot of you have been using this shit for 10-15 years? did you start when you were 10 years old or something?

Haha yeah! Does Swedes, there are all just a bunch of smokers!

I'll be 30 this year... is that an answer good enough? :p

Yes, I think I was 12 the first time I tried it. But didn't start for real until I was about 16 or so.

Hehe, no my teeth are in very good shape actually. What Tobz didn't point out, is that there's a HUGE difference wether you use snus in a "pouch" or if you use it "clean" ->

I've used the pouch the entire time and I think that has been somewhat forgiving to my teeth.

Wow, but well it doesn't surprise me: Most people I know that smoke started around when they were 16 or less; lots of peer pressure. I've recently come to the conclusion that it was great that I was a "loser" in school/high-school :lol:, so many evil things happen when you're popular :lol: hahahaha.

Djöfull;9728830 said:
I was scrolling down this thread and read anus instead of snus... twice! Has porn distorted my perception of reality? *sigh*

Indeed, it does. Porn always distorts reality :p . I didn't want to admit it, but I'd read "anus" too at first hahaha.

Hey, me too (in two weeks time actually)!

Actually, I was not aware that there was a difference. I only know my older brother is a heavy user, and his gums aren't all that good...

I think I'm the youngest one of the forum, I'm 24 (25 this year), although I'm not sure about Sigurð. Still, I look like 26/27, and a student once told me I looked like 31. The bastard failed the course anyhow hahaha.
Fucking snus. We have snus where I'm from as well, in packets like it is here. I don't touch the stuff, but I used to smoke. I quit smoking and now I don't like to drink as much, though now that I haven't smoked in two years I have less problem getting drunk and craving cigarettes.
Damn I love this forum. How topics can extend interestingly and humourously and all the affable, witty and intelligent people. Without total spam and annoying clashes. You guys rule.
I'm 22. Practically a baby.

Oh wow, you're probably the youngest one here haha.

Djöfull;9730106 said:
Damn I love this forum. How topics can extend interestingly and humourously and all the affable, witty and intelligent people. Without total spam and annoying clashes. You guys rule.

Haha indeed, it's a self-moderated forum; the only one on the Net! We rule! :rock:
i'm probably the second older woman, but i don't remember exactly how old is qu appel.
anyway i'm 28, 29 next july.
On the last 28th of november I received the heartbreaking message that according to societal measures I had reached year 30.
Djöfull;9730866 said:
On the last 28th of november I received the heartbreaking message that according to societal measures I had reached year 30.

some days ago i was watching some photos of when i was a child, and tought "wow! a lot of water have passed under the bridge!"
that would be nice to share photos of when we were children and have a good laught on them and on how we have changed! :p