Mr. V's tattoo?

some days ago i was watching some photos of when i was a child, and tought "wow! a lot of water have passed under the bridge!"
that would be nice to share photos of when we were children and have a good laught on them and on how we have changed! :p

I with 13 years old :p dont remember anything about the context in this photo..i have a lots of baby/kiddo photos but not in the pc..i need to find them
Djöfull;9730866 said:
On the last 28th of november I received the heartbreaking message that according to societal measures I had reached year 30.

Ouch. I have four and a half years left to call me before that day.
Neeiinn!! I'm the Grandpa!!

As mr V. would say... "34 years have past since it first called my name" :)


:lol: if you are the grandpa of the forum, then i'm the grandma :tickled: but seriously, Andreas is older than you are :p

I don't think Andreas counts as part of this topic since he doesn't post very frequently. Oh what the heck, he's the great-grandpa :p .

This thread is epic!
It has gone from tattoos to Swedish tobacco and then into age. I must say that this forum rules! :popcorn:


Hmm, sometimes when I see a photo I think "wow! I've passed a lot of water under that bridge!" Coincidence? :grin:

I see photos of me as a kid and I think… "Not much has changed" hahaha.
I´m only 17, but i dont even have an avatar, haha. And this is like my 7th post or something. I read alot though.
Loved it, great picture and sound was awesome. Haven't seen the two disc's with extras yet but looking forward to it. They say it's the best way to experience the films; I don't about that, guess the blueray version looks even better, but I don't have any complaints...
I think I'm the youngest one of the forum, I'm 24

?! :guh:
You're 24 and already a professor at a university? How did you manage to get your PhD that fast??!
I'm 22 (my birthday is in December) and don't even have my Bachelor (of Science) yet :mad: Will get it this summer, for sure. Could have gotten it one year earlier if I wasn't so lazy and failed too many courses in the first two years, lol.
Loved it, great picture and sound was awesome. Haven't seen the two disc's with extras yet but looking forward to it. They say it's the best way to experience the films; I don't about that, guess the blu-ray version looks even better, but I don't have any complaints...

Notice that it's "blu" ray :p .

Wait, so you got the DVD of the Coppola? Might as well get the
[ame=""]BD[/ame]. Hmmm maybe I should get it… I'll download it and see how it looks, but it pisses me off that it doesn't come with a digital download. How come? I don't own an HD TV , since I watch all my movies on my brilliant iMac (looks better than 1080p, no doubt about that). So I'm not sure if I should buy it. I only have one BD, it's Watchmen (ltd. ed., comes with Archie) and I bought it because well, (1) it's Watchment, (2) it comes with Archie and (3) it includes a digital version.
Hah, I actually wrote bluray first, but then changed it as I was in doubt.
Didn't buy BD as I don't have a BD player, neither do I have one of those new, fancypants thin TV's so I guess it wouldn't make a hell of a lot of difference even if I did have a BD... My surround sound works excellently though.
Couldn't say anything about a digital version, as my computer is about as old as I am, and when I want to watch movies, I want it BIG :grin:
Hah, I actually wrote bluray first, but then changed it as I was in doubt.
Didn't buy BD as I don't have a BD player, neither do I have one of those new, fancypants thin TV's so I guess it wouldn't make a hell of a lot of difference even if I did have a BD... My surround sound works excellently though.
Couldn't say anything about a digital version, as my computer is about as old as I am, and when I want to watch movies, I want it BIG :grin:

Yeah it's BLU haha.

I have a PS3, so that's my BD player; rarely use it though, in every sense: I use my PS2 more than my PS3 hahaha.

Yeah, I don't have one of those "facnypants" TVs either, but I do have a fancy computer so I watch movies on it. I actually don't like really big screens, I feel that you can't focus on everything unless you're sitting quite far away.