Teh Grimace

New Metal Member
Jan 27, 2006
Fuck a Houston. Fuck a Dallas.
Post mullet pictures, esp. of guys in bands.

If you have no mullet pictures, post any pictures of generally bad hair-having band guys.

I will also accept any pictures of Alexi Laiho superimposed over an ad for Pantene, actually i would prefer that since I don't have one lying around.

Simple enough?

Ok go

I wish he played in a band.
Know a guy anyone who's sporting a mullet or another unique hairstyle like a comb-over, bad toupee or outdated mustache? If there's a guy in your life who has a "do" that's really a "don't"... national TV show wants to hear about it! Email asap with your name, #, a bit about yourself, and a photo of the person with the hair. Thanks!
Hey at least they used the search feature :)

For what its worth to any aspiring person who fits the criteria, the offer is indeed real and looks to be CBS related. Mulletheads unite!