Wow, 'tis really cool that you like those bands. DTH, TG and WIZO are, in my opinion, pretty much the best bands EVER. DTH's "Ein kleines bisschen Horrorschau", "Auf dem Kreuzzug ins Glück", "Unter falscher Flagge" and "Unsterblich" mean A LOT to me, as well as TG's "1 World 0 Future", "Melodien für Milliarden", "Musik für Arschlöcher" and "Blechdose", and WIZO's "UUAARRGH!" and "Bleib tapfer/Für ein Arsch". One of my greatest wishes is to see Terrorgruppe and Hosen play live, though I doubt it'll ever happen. I read about WIZO splitting up and their farewell-tour, and if I'd been some years older I would've travelled down to Germany to see them.
Die Ärzte have some EXTREMELY COOL songs, such as "Motherfucker 666 (die Frisur)", "Rebell", "Immer mitten in die Fresse rein" and "Hurra", but they've also got some poppy/jazzy songs that I don't really like. Which Ärzte album is the most punk-ish? I'd like to check them out a bit more. Beatsteaks are pretty cool too, especially the songs "Let Me In".