Music and Ideology

Originally posted by thor17
Wanderer, why did you blame on people sharing Anathema music (very nice mp3) in this Katatonia forum, saying "This is a forum of katatonia not anathema" and now you are talking about Varg?
Personally I prefer talking about Anathema, a band closer to Katatonia than this fascist.

Hey, man, it is good that you don't like this shitty fascist, but you must try to understand that this part of forum is named "KATATONIA" because here are the discussions about KATATONIA ! I think it's not difficult, just try, I beleive in you! And there is another part of forum named "General Music Discussion". There you can share opinions about Anathema and other bands, even 'bout fascists, nudists and assholes in music.