So by no means are you a weak athiest Jaime. You are very confident in your beliefs which is cool.... But you are also open-minded but not gullible. That's a good quality to have .....
Thanks! The discussion has also gone really well - as long as no one freaks out at being challenged, it's all good. It actually feels like a *discussion* and not like me sharpening my claws on somebody. I think a factor here is that I'm *used* to being challenged - when you're an atheist and you openly admit to it, people *will* get in your face about it. I don't think Christians of any sect are used to having to defend themselves on a regular basis the way we are, so they aren't as prepared when someone comes out of left field with questions they don't like.
It's also worth noting that to me, there's a big difference between believing in some higher power and organized religion. I understand the former, even if I don't cop to it. The latter frequently sends me into a frothing rage, because organized religion is by and large a tool of control. You can have fellowship and community service without a head honcho claiming he has the divine authority to tell you what you can and cannot do with your life. It is a tool of separation and division, not unity. The world would be a better place without any of it, imo.
The breaking point with Christian bands I'll listen to and those I won't - it's really a matter of how obvious it is. Shadow Gallery tells stories. I like stories, even when they're Biblical in origin. (I like some of the Bible stories too! I just don't take them seriously.) "Destination Unknown" is probably one of the most beautiful songs of praise I've ever heard, and I'm okay with it because they don't clobber me over the head with the content. On the other hand, "First Light" is great until the end, when they have to be all obvious about it. There's no clear line here - if it's definably Christian, I probably won't listen to it, but I can be won over.