Living the dream!
What are your guys thoughts on Evergrey's Inner Circle album? There are without a doubt religious overtones to the album, though not necessarily in a positive light.
I don't see this as so much an album speaking against God, but instead an album speaking against religion. Two separate things.
Depends on the context. If it's some malcontent being pointlessly hostile, they're no better than the fundamentalists (and they annoy me as much as I'm sure assholes like Limbaugh and Robertson annoy you guys, because they speak for a minority), but I've seen that accusation leveled against people who were doing nothing more than standing their ground against theist encroachment on their own personal rights. I am a full-flag supporter of people being able to believe whatever the hell they want to believe, as long as they don't insist that the world around them conform to their particular beliefs. Do you see the difference?
My feelings are the same. That's why I don't discuss religion generally. I'm not trying to convince anybody that I'm right and they're wrong. It annoys me to no end when others do this (regardless of what it is they are trying to preach).
However, keep in mind that where one person's rights begin, another person's rights end. So if an atheist's rights are being encroached upon, and steps are taken to prevent that. The theist's rights are likely now being encroached upon. This is why I would never run for political office. How can you solve a dilemma like that? I don't know how. What's the middle ground? AFAIK, there isn't any. (being rhetorical btw.)