Music Gear Thread

EDIT: That's what happens when I hit reply 10 minutes later. Personally I don't consider it a real amp unless it tries to kill you. Fo' shizzy though, tube amps can melt your heart. Pretty neat really, but still worth avoiding.

even a transistor amp will kill you if you fuck around enough with the wrong parts
So I'm currently ampless. The two Mesas are at a local repair dude, third amp somewhere in Nashville. It's cool because I sold my backup amp two weeks ago, haha. Good timing since my new-once-again band starts up on Wednesday. :goggly:

even a transistor amp will kill you if you fuck around enough with the wrong parts
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Yay I got two amps back from da shop. What better time than now to make more shitty music? :o
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I dont suppose any fellow fuzznuts will be in florida this june/july?
Also Im torn between the Blackout Effectors Fixd fuzz deluxe and their Musket fuzz. Opinions?

i just bought a thing:


VGS Evertune Eruption Pro Black Burst Faded


Black hardware
Locking machine heads
Evertune Bridge System
Set Mahogany neck, Ebony fingerboard with binding and 22 jumbo frets
2 Seymour Duncan humbucker SH14 & SH 1
2 volume, 1 tone control, 3-way switch
Solid Mahogany body, solid Flamed Maple top
24,75" scale, 43 mm Ivory graphite nut

:o :o :o

that's €879 for a guitar i've never seen, much less played, in person.
yeah the photo is crap

it looks green and it's actually not green irl (sadly) but more of a black/grey. i think this is closer to what it actually looks like

Erik that is sexy. Buying instruments without playing them first is kvlt as fuck. I do it all the time. No way to tell what works or not without many hours and several gigs anyhow. Many people pretend that spending 3 minutes with a poorly setup thing at Guitar Center tells them if they have found The One. Sometimes sure, oftentimes not.

So I'm starting a new band and I'll be playing drums. Can't find a god damn fucking thing playing bass, so fuckit, I'll play swap-o-rama for a bit. This means I need to sell something and buy a kit again, but that's cool. I have too many pedals anyhow. And I've been a hack drummer for 5 years now, I can do this. It'll be noisy and gross.

EDIT: Actually I sold my drumset about 5 years ago, after 5 years of being a hack drummer. So make that 10 years total. I'm getting old WTF.
Erik that is sexy. Buying instruments without playing them first is kvlt as fuck. I do it all the time. No way to tell what works or not without many hours and several gigs anyhow. Many people pretend that spending 3 minutes with a poorly setup thing at Guitar Center tells them if they have found The One. Sometimes sure, oftentimes not.

So I'm starting a new band and I'll be playing drums. Can't find a god damn fucking thing playing bass, so fuckit, I'll play swap-o-rama for a bit. This means I need to sell something and buy a kit again, but that's cool. I have too many pedals anyhow. And I've been a hack drummer for 5 years now, I can do this. It'll be noisy and gross.

EDIT: Actually I sold my drumset about 5 years ago, after 5 years of being a hack drummer. So make that 10 years total. I'm getting old WTF.

being a hack drummer rules

also, yeah:

the deal is there is literally nowhere locally where i can try out ANY guitar with an evertune bridge, much less this specific one that i've decided i want, so let's just order it from germany and hope for the best #fuckit #yolo #hailsatan

i mean i'm pretty damn sure i will like it because it has the things i like in my current guitar:
1) 24.75" scale
2) mahogany body
3) duncan pickups

but also these:
1) never ever goes out of tune ever
2) locking tuners (why? it never goes out of tune anyway)
3) a better nut, i guess
4) probably more well-built overall considering it's about three times as pricy as my current guitar

here's the downside:
1) the fret inlays are pretty damn ugly
So. Many years ago I discovered this company called Toneczar. He lives out in the desert not too far from me, and makes some of the most expensive pedals I know of. Well maybe not Pete Cornish expensive, but still pretty up there. His waiting list for pedals is quite long at times, depending on what you want. Back in 2008 I thought hey what the hell, why not get on the phaser list? Almost 5 years later my number came up, and even though blowing over $400 for one pedal would be pretty damn stupid of me, I quickly remembered that I AM stupid, so once again, hey what the hell.

It arrived a little while ago, and it rules. And now that I've done some recordings with it, I'm happy to say that it sounds pretty fuckin' unreal in a band mix. I'll put some recordings up later but I don't want to without my drummer's approval first, since he wrote the god damn song and I just put loudbass to it, and then made a shitty mix (likely ruining his awesome arpeggios). In a text message to him I referred to my playing as Snoisy B. Ass so I think that's my new stage name. But that's beside the point. I'm happy with the results, and also my overindulgence.


It's that middle pedal there. It literally cost more than both of those speaker cabinets put together, and I've been using those for years (best 12" thingies ever really).

Fun fact: I also bought an old beat to shit EHX phaser for $40 and it too sounds amazing. Maybe I just really like phasers.
So what, is this thing custom built? Looks pretty cool at any rate.

Come to think of it, my phaser cost more than my 212 cab as well. Great phaser + cheap cab = awesome tones
He just builds in small batches, not sure if he does custom work. I don't think there are too many out there, but I'm really not sure. There's a certain mystique to them, but it's nice to know that they rule, instead of just being one of those It's Cooler Because I Said So type of things.

EDIT: Oh yeah and I really haven't routinely played other people's riffs or songs for many, many years, but damned if I don't rock out on Heartbreaker every fuckin' time I turn this phaser on. Does a great Leslie type sound.
This thread needs to stay alive guys!

So I got a Bugera 6260, just replaced the tubes with a full E34L retube kit, I like that it's tighter than the 6L6's but wish there was a bit more low end thump. I was thinking of replacing 2 of the tubes with 6550's or KT88's, what do you guys think?

I'm going to paint the grill red to match my grill BTW :) Gonna look sick.
Wow I've never heard of mixing power tubes. No idea if that's possible/good/terrible/whatever.

I bought a really fancy 4x12 cab because I could really use more speakers to annoy everyone.