Music Releted Art


My final Sacrfice
In the trees you will hear my voice
ever calling ever falling

=) inspired by katatonia need an opinion!
Some random pics which came out funny when I was fucking around with my camera while back. Theres probably some music which could be associated with these, but I cba thinking so you can tell me what you think. IMO these ones are fairly dreamy.

This one I took a few days ago for a project on my course (which never even happened) and I did a few edits of it in ye olde photoshoppe but i cant find the memory stick i put them on so heres the original.

argghhhhh i've totally forget is gone dismember concert? is not the right topic but i've only remind it now cuz i mean this cross should be inside a church park in stockholm! let me know something!

and :* thank you so much for your appreciation!
Had to make an account just to post this :) A friend of mine carved it with some dentist's tools. I just love it, best gift ever! Drinking beer has never been this fun :kickass:
Edit: Or I actually had this account already, just never used it

Well, I don't know if it's really art because it's just kind of reproduction of what I find beautiful, so :Saint:
:P i seem to be inspired by many songs of katatonia lately and thats funny cuz i was for so long far from here..this is another picture..i will use it for my first exam..