Music Releted Art

The Drappery Falls - Opeth
where was shooted this picture :O?
i see that you came from brazil but i don't know if in brazil you have this kind of fog :D (in my ingnorance i can say no!)
i should take some picture about fog too, usually my city is really foggy but this year was strange seems that wolrd was been reversed, we have a lot of snowfalls (actually outside we have 50 cm of icy snow old of a week in the streets) and in north seems to be really foggy and without snow :/
Had to make an account just to post this :) A friend of mine carved it with some dentist's tools. I just love it, best gift ever! Drinking beer has never been this fun :kickass:
Edit: Or I actually had this account already, just never used it


Wow! I want one. :cry: