music to wake me up

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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I listen to music on headphones while I work. Sometimes, I get really tired at work, and wonder what kind of music would really pick me up. Doom and atmospheric bm just makes me more tired. I find that good brutal death metal or fast black metal/blackened death works well. Angelcorpse, Nile, Inveracity, Antaeus, Merrimack, Prostitute Disfigurement, Sacramentum, Anwyl, earlier Immortal, etc. In short, I want something fast, agreesive, and not boring. This means that Unique Leader style brutal dm would just make more more tired because it bores the fuck out of me, even though it is fast and aggressive. I guess I'm looking more for fast bm or blackened death recommendations that I am brutal death metal (only recommend brutal dm bands if they are intersting and good).
^Behemoth-Demigod will definitely be good.
Try some grindcore, it should keep you awake. Agoraphobic Nosebleed and Pig Destroyer work well.
Yes, the Bezerker sure are fast. Some of those other bands work, too. But, perhaps I should have been more specific. I am looking for something that is as fast and aggressive as fuck, but not boring. I guess, the faster the better.