Musician's thread


Sep 7, 2007
I know a bunch of you dudes play instruments and shit and the musician's forum is pretty dead so let's do this shit. Post about gear or your band or whatever.

Ozzman got a new drumkit recently. How's that going? I really want to take up drums but I don't have anywhere I could keep a kit.

Krig how goes your eternal quest to find decent musicians out in Illinois?
Just copypasting shit.

Just got a Gretsch resonator, my first guitar and only I've ever wanted. I've been learning the intro acoustic of Orange Goblin's 'Beginner's Guide to Suicide' and surprisingly am taking to this shit like a duck to water! I've always loved the slide sound, and I'm having a great time playing it. Any recs for more songs to check out in the rock/metal spectrum? I already know plenty of bluesy stuff.

Also while I'm at it... I've been half assedly working on an a cappella cover of Bewitched by Candlemass, any tips on how to voice out the bit you hear at the beginning and throughout the song from other creative vocalists? I've been doing a 'banananunggg... Nung nung... Bananana... Nung... Nung... NUNG!' thing but it sounds kinda elementary and doing 'da's is just plain boring. I've got everything else mapped out pretty pleasingly but not happy with those parts and at a loss.
One of my greatest regrets in life is not having taken up and stuck with any particular instrument such that I could participate in writing and performing music. I took piano and flute lessons in elementary and middle school, and after that sung in youth choruses (and in high school, a particularly good one in the Boston area), and in college even sung bass/baritone in the best student chorus at UMaine. But that's about it. I owned a bass guitar for a couple years, but rarely had the time or mental energy to dedicate to getting any good at it. I didn't stick with taking lessons and didn't even learn tab.

I've made some electronic music on Garage Band since, but I haven't returned to those kind of projects in a couple years.

These days my friends in Illinois every so often ask me if I'm interested in singing for their bands, but those bands are usually projects that never get beyond the first trimester of pregnancy before they miscarry, so to speak.
Loving my kit. I set it up in my old room in my parents house. Working on learning Cold Sweat from Thin Lizzy. I am considering taking a few lessons just to get rudiment exercises and such.

Just bought some drum mutes so I don't pass off my mom and dad when they aren't out of town and I want to play.
My current steed is a Fender Jazz that I bought recently to have a bash on and because I hadn't played much in a while. See here:


It's a "Road Worn" edition in full 60s spec. Plays beautifully and has uprated pickups. I've always wanted a Jazz and it's the next best thing to spending $10000 on a vintage one. Since I bought it I've started jamming with a friend's band, plating noise rock/punk stuff and using a pick instead of fingerstyle for the first time ever and it's heaps of fun.

I also have two 5-string custom basses (one fretted and one fretless) that I've owned since the late 90s and played in several bands with, but they have been sitting in the cupboard for a while. I should probably sell them but I can't bring myself to do it. Here they are:


I've also got an Eston semi-acoustic four-string from the 1950s that was my Dad's first bass. It looks hella cool but the neck is warped and the electrics stopped working years ago. It's more of an ornament but good to have a fang on every now and then.

My rig is a Hartke 350 watt head with a David Eden 4x10" cab with adjustable horn and an old EV 15" cab that I've had since forever.
Got invited to join a classical guitar group today. I'll probably do it, been awhile since I had a reason to practice. I'd prefer if it was metal, but whatever, my skills are going to waste without practice and I read music just fine.
Those are fucking gorgeous toenail. I wouldn't sell them unless I really needed the money.

Yeah I know. I could always use the money but I've owned them both pretty much since they were built and I've had the fretless stolen off me two weeks after I got it and both of them stolen off me another time and I got them back both times. So I really shouldn't sell them. But it pains me that they're not being used.
I don't have any new equipment. I guess a year ago I bought the old Angelust drumkit for like $80. Came complete with hardware and some really shitty cymbals. That kit is at my parent's house in the Doom Den. The kit I use up here in the Masturbation Mausoleum 3 is even fucking worse. At least the heads I have at home sound decent...

Still have my two guitars. my Schecter Omen-6 (named Buttfuck) is adorned with stickers and needs a new jack, but whatever. My Jackson DXMG (named Niggerville) has a broken string and I can't be bothered to fix it.

Between the two roommates and me, we have like 5 electric guitars, three acoustic guitars, and 2 bass guitars. I've recently joined a new project with a friend and I am having a lot of fun playing bass.
I can't post my band's stuff here but I do some vocal covers every once in a while for fun if it counts:

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I haven't bought any equipment in years (asides new cables and plectrums).

I have a 6 string S series Ibanez, 7 string RG, a fuck knows what Ibanez bass and a custom HH something or other Tele. Also a Takamine electro-acoustic, and my granddad's classical guitar. No idea what it is. It must be from the 50s. I have a Roland kit too but I've not used it much the past year or so due to lack of space/time/electronic kits still making a fair bit of noise.

Recorded some guitars for a death/black metal thing with a guy in Australia last autumn and getting started on a more serious thing with him now.

Also collected quite a lot of ideas the past few months. Will sit down at some point soon and try and turn shit like these

into coherent songs with a more unified sound. Then get a new microphone. Or someone/thing to sing.

I stripped and defretted my first guitar too. More as an experiment than anything. It actually plays reasonably well, just need to get some decent pickups in it and then I'll try using that to write some stuff too.

For Christmas I received a Snark guitar tuner that works really well. Battery powered and clips on to the headstock.

I play electric guitar and have a BC Rich Warlock and a vintage 1975 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe. I play for fun and entertainment. Mostly classic rock, traditional and some thrash metal. I need to get a better amplifier, but that probably won't happen until this summer.
I rock a Bugera 6262 (non Infinitum model) as my head and plug it through a Marshall 1960A. I can't believe I purchased the cab and head amp for $600 flat. I really want to get a Marshall JCM 900 (or perhaps 2000) or even a badass Orange amp, but I'm fine using that Bugera for now.

For practice, I play through a Tech-21 Trademark 10. I get some decent distortion tones out of it and some nice cleans, but it definitely doesn't get loud enough to use for practice.
playing in a punk band with some buddies
using a Peavey XXX with 6L6 tubes.
Jackson RR1T be killing it.
My tone kills!

No metal is this fuckhole of a town.
Will post a link to my bands page when im not drunk.
I used to make dubstep music as well as folky ambient stuff.

Now I play guitar once every few weeks when I get the time.
That fretless is gorgeous. I used to fantasize about playing a bass like that when I listened to Spheres and Fiend for Blood on a daily basis.

Cheers. It's definitely the female of the pair. Sexy as hell.





Just signed up for a guitar repair/ maintenance clinic in April. Maybe it'll get me to pick up my bass again heh