must underrated albu of ALL TIME!!!!

The Greys said:
I think 'goatlord' is a live rehearsal which would have been killer recorded properly in a studio. I always liked soulside journey the most & find it the bands most creepy material. Darkthrone seems to want to forget they original played death metal. The band did not have to rush a change(i hate when bands do this). Why not just do 2,3 albums from whatever genre you want to play. Darkthrone is pretty redunant now because the band never spaced anything out. Darkthrone's last 2,3 cds sound pretty similiar.

You sound like you're going in two completely different directions here.

a) They should have stuck with their Soulside Journey style for a couple more albums because "just do 2,3 albums from whatever genre you want to play"

b) Darkthrone is pretty redunant now because the band never spaced anything out. Darkthrone's last 2,3 cds sound pretty similiar.

So should they stick with the style they want to play, or should they change to avoid becoming redundant? Can't really be both.
who are you The Greys to tell which direction darkthrone should choose? do you even play music to begin with.
I'm not saying what style the band should play. I'm not attacking the band or anything. I just don't see the point in writing an album & then going 'fuck it'. The material deserved more than being recorded in a live rehearsal.

Record the album(it sounds like a follow up anyways), play some shows & then when you have to do another album do what you feel you should do.

I play guitar & there is no way i'd spend time writing a full album only to say 'fuck it'. writing songs is a pain in the ass. When I first heard Celtic Frost,mayhem & immortal one night I did not wake up and go 'fuck all these songs I spent time writing for the last months'. FUCK DEATH METAL BLAH BLAH, lets scrap the album.
Stormwitch´s first 3 albums, Walpurgis Night, Tales of Terror and Stronger than Heaven. Their most succesful album was the 4th, Beauty and the Beast. Beauty is really good, but they "commercialized" their style with this album (female backgroud singer, 2 ballads etc, Barock costumes) The first 3 albums were straight forward German 80ies metal albums, but hardly anybody knows them.
and i agree with faith no more - angel dust and atheist - unquestionable presence.

See, now I would think of THOSE as being huge albums, critically speaking.
Personally, I think Sepulturas 'Roots' and Slayers 'Diabolus In Musica' get a bad rap.

...and I've actually met metal fans that have never even heard of Helmet - which I think is a travesty. Especially since Helmet influenced half the music they listened to.
See, now I would think of THOSE as being huge albums, critically speaking.
Isn't that the point of being 'underrated'? It seems to me most of the bands in this thread are more 'underheard' than 'underrated'. Of course, it could just be me. Hanging out in forums like this sometimes makes me feel like a novice. I'm half-tempted to just start making up fictitious bands and talk about how cool they are.

So...yeah...anyways, I think Decapitated Pig Vomits album 'Tomb of the Goreridden Virginal Sacrifice' is totally underrated.

heh...just kidding...